My digital 600 HPS just broke, need advice please. Long question(s)...


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys, So I need a new light,my digi 600 took a crap.. and I've done the research and have some questions..
Please be patient as I DID do lots of research into this already. The search engine on this site sucks too..
I'm an oldschool HID only guy, but with the recent technology LEDs have gotten my attention, as well as ceramic metal halides.
I already have a 400w MH magnetic ballast for a CMH bulb, as well as the reflector, hood, tubing yada, yada, yada..
My light setup is two 600W hps, I used to run two 600w HPS, and a 400w MH in the middle (great f'in results!) anyways, now I can't run 2000 watts anymore(with fans and such), gotta keep it to around 1500 with ventilation, etc.
I have two questions for the CMHs.
One, regarding CMH, I see there are two options, a 315w, or a 400w.
That's where i'm confused, first the 315 watt looks like a non-screw-in type bulb, and
also I remember reading that CMHs must be used with magnetic MH ballasts.
BUT now i'm seeing that a 400w CMH can be used in a digital ballast? Is that true?
If so, why would people be spending a bunch on the 315w cmh ballast and bulb setup, if you could simply buy a 400w CMH that puts out more lumens?
So is it like the old SonAgro 430w hps bulbs that the 315w bulbs are like putting out a magical spectrum?
Because looking at the 400w cmh and the 315 cmh spectrum and it looks damn similar..
SO after all that, i'm seeing people recommend CMHs over LEDs even, so i'm wondering if I should be pondering LEDs to begin with, if all I have to do is buy a 400w CMH bulb and be done..
I'm not too concerned with money, but if a 90 dollar bulb is all I need to be almost or as good as a LED, then it'd be foolish to spend 6-8 hundred on a good quality LED.
help a brotha out guys..
was it @a senile fungus that had a CMH?
This stoner can't remember shit...
CRS syndrome.
I also have a couple magnetic 1000w ballasts that can apparently fire a 860w CDM bulb..
Would that be better than two 600w HPS?
I mean the 860 CDM puts out 82k lumens, and a SINGLE 600 HPS puts out 95K...
So logic would lead me to think that two 600W hps would shit on a single 860 CDM.
But would a 41,000 lumen CMH, out do a 95, 000 hps?
I mean... that's almost two and a half times the light..
I know it's a lot about the useable spectrum and the extra UV that the CMH does...
Meh... i'm just thinking aloud now... or on the screen that is..