My dad flushed my plants


Well-Known Member
As in down the toilet. They had been growing for a week and a half and had made loads of progress since I added another CFL. I had them in my closet, and apparently my parents like to snoop.

My mom found out I had them growing when my dad was working out of state, and she told my dad. When he came back at the end of the week and while I was at my friends house he flushed them. I know my mom doesn't give two shits whether I grow it or not, but my dad does. He also knows nothing about marijuana, and probably thinks it's more dangerous than arsenic.

Does anyone have any advice they could give me in order to convince my parents to let me grow? I told my mom that I would start smoking cigarettes if they didn't let me grow, and my mom told me to talk to my dad about it. I'm gonna tell my mom to talk to my dad about it or else I'll start smoking them.

I know this is evil, but there's nothing else I can do. Any advice?

And I can't let them grow outside, at least until they're older, due to this unpredictable Maine weather. It didn't get above 38 degrees yesterday and rained all day after an entire week of sunny 80 degree weather.


Well-Known Member
kill u'r dad and run away from home - move to amsterdam get a license and then grow all the legal weed u want.


Well-Known Member
lmao, personally i think it reduces my chances of getting caught goin out and buying it all the time, and it saves money..i would try and argue that and if that dosent work start payin rent or move out


Well-Known Member
I know my parents wouldn't kick me out though. I help out too much around here and I just know my parents wouldn't think of that as an option.


Well-Known Member
teach your parents the truth about hemp! and respect their house, if you get caught (if your under 18 and/or they own the house) they are responsible. and parents dont take well to threats based on my experience. good luck


Well-Known Member
Tell them that you get severe headaches, and that marijuana is the only thing that stops them. Also state that tylonal and advil, are very bad for the liver if you take them to much. Marijuana however has been used for medical purposes for decades. Say that you dont want to buy it, because that it might have other drugs like coke in it, and you want to be safe, so you just want to grow a couple for personal use, so that you dont have these horrible headaches all the time.

Goodluck man, and sorry for your loss. Hope you can get some more growing soon : )


Well-Known Member
i can imagine you lighting up a hooter in the car with your dad! priceless. can you drive. put the child locks on the doors and the windows first then get on the freeway! hahaha


Well-Known Member
either grow outdoors or start to educated your parents, seems like it wouldn't harm with your dad;) really, get some flyer's from legalization groups for them and sent them fact checking, if they not happen to be dumb as a loaf of breed the smarten up quickly for sure. just get them a bit real info material and keep them away from the government bull they have been fed with for the last 40 years!

check here to start with:


New Member
past 40 yrs my ass. the lies about marijuana began during prohibition. since banning booze clearly wasnt wroking and marijuana was legal at the time they began to make it the villain. there were shorties (short movies) showing ppl getting stoned then going out and killing ppl. it saddens me to think that pot is only illegal due to the smear campaign and inability to keep drunks in check... as for you saying that you will smoke cigs instead, sure that will really show them. do as others have suggested and educate your parents instead. search the net find articles you like and then sit down with your mom and let her read it. then have her to explain it to your dad.because since she has the pussy she has the power... good luck

Farmer Mark

Active Member
I would tell my parents that by growing your own weed you would only smoke 100% homegrown stuff. which isn't treated with chemicals, and plus you dont have to mix it with tobacco because you have more weed to put in your spliffs. AND tell them that you won't smoke before you've done your homework, or only smoke on saturdays or fridays (when you dont have school). Also tell them that you will smoke responsibly, you wont drive while stoned, and tell them that your friends smoke, or drink, and that if you have your nice grass you wont drink like your friends do , but only smoke.

also tell them that their generation smoked more than you do.

rip their eyeballs off and make a jam out of them if they dont give up.


cheers!:peace: :joint:


New Member
I would tell my parents that by growing your own weed you would only smoke 100% homegrown stuff. which isn't treated with chemicals, and plus you dont have to mix it with tobacco because you have more weed to put in your spliffs. AND tell them that you won't smoke before you've done your homework, or only smoke on saturdays or fridays (when you dont have school). Also tell them that you will smoke responsibly, you wont drive while stoned, and tell them that your friends smoke, or drink, and that if you have your nice grass you wont drink like your friends do , but only smoke.

also tell them that their generation smoked more than you do.

rip their eyeballs off and make a jam out of them if they dont give up.


cheers!:peace: :joint:
all of the above is worse than saying he will smoke cigs instead.