My Closet And Lights?

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Well i have an estimated measurement for my closet.

-7 Ft (length) +
-* +
2ft (middle ground)
- 5 Ft (width)
sliding doors>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(here)

I'm not to well adapt with a laser tape measure.

Anyway my minimum is three plants, now should i get 600w kit or a 1000k kit or would that be too much?


Well-Known Member
Id go with a 600 watt.. I have a little more ceiling room than you do, but other than that its pretty much the same. but mine gets up to 90+ sometimes. so I have to use Co2 for the plants to take the heat. my light is aircooled and everything.


Well-Known Member
1000 watt is hotter than Hellfire! you will need to spend at least 200 bucks on venting that light. Go with 400watts 600 max

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Are you sure it's optimal for three plants in the size of the closet mentioned above? The 600 watt don't they need the best light for optimal growth? But i will take your word for it if you answer this.



Well-Known Member
Id have to agree with them , its HOT.. I mean i have to leave my closet doors open while the lights on cuz it gets SOO damn hot. And im using 600 watts. like on really hot days here, it peaks at like 96 degrees sometimes. and ive put 6+ plants under there before. get an aircooled light if you can that way you can move the light closer to them. plus that will help vent it out. and then just look online for a proper fan to vent.

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Id have to agree with them , its HOT.. I mean i have to leave my closet doors open while the lights on cuz it gets SOO damn hot. And im using 600 watts. like on really hot days here, it peaks at like 96 degrees sometimes. and ive put 6+ plants under there before. get an aircooled light if you can that way you can move the light closer to them. plus that will help vent it out. and then just look online for a proper fan to vent.
So your saying 600w can grow 6 plants to maturity?
Can that be done with satvias 3 plants minimum.
How big is your grow room?

I have thought about heat, it would be pretty hot (damn global warming) and already know what fan im getting.

High Tech Garden Supply

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Alright i have figured out math, so this should be easier too answer.

My closet is,


7ft (height) X 5ft (length) X 2ft (width)

Is 600 watts enough in that room for 3 plants?

For optimal growth.