My butt is puckering, please help!!!! Possible nute, light burn (not on my butt)


Hello all. This is my second grow (3 weeks from sprout), and I figured it would be a piece of cake. Boy was I wrong. Here are the details:

  • Soil: A mix of Fox Farms Ocean Forrest, Organic Potting Soil, Perlite (we will address this a little later.
  • Nutes: Will also address later
  • Seeds: Nirvana White Widow (3) and Ak-48 (3)
  • Pots: 5 gallon buckets cut down to about 4 or so
  • Lights: 400w Metal Halide veg, and 400w HPS for flower (20 inches away)
  • Temp/Humidity: 75-80 F, 36%
  • SOIL PH: 6.5
Here is the issue. It didn't occur to me in my haste to buy perlite that Miracle Grow brand would actually throw their damn fertilizer into the perlite.

Before I realized about the perlite, I gave a foliar feeding of dilluted nutes (I am using the Techna Flora recipe for success), and also gave one soil feeding of 1/4 strength nutes.

In addition to the foliar feeding, I have been giving the leaves of spritz of distilled water.

Without further ado, here are my ladies (hopefully). I am getting depressed, hopefully someone can help.

Thank you in advance





BUMP for the after work crowd!! Please help. Just added to OP that PH is 6.5. Could it be burns from the water being on the leaves with the MH lamp?
looks like a nute burn for sure, since ur ph is OK. i would flush with dist. water only. then give it a week to cut those damaged leaves too..but im no pro! just though i might try to help :) had similar problems.


Thank you for the reply kind sir. I was worried about flushing it since 50% of what I have researched says that will make it worse with the MG perlite soaked with fertilizer. The other 50% of course says go ahead and do it. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


Active Member
If the leaves are not too damaged (like not over 75% dead) you should not trim them. Even if parts of the leaf are damaged, the other parts will continue producing sugars to help power growth. Usually, you should only trim if the particular leaf is infected with something that will eventually spread. Best of luck.