My BMO Tonic brew


Well-Known Member
My plant tonic arrived today, and I fuck was I excited.
My plants have been sick and dying for the past couple weeks....ive been trying to revive them, and while they are still growing, and do seem to be perking up a bit, they are still far from healthy, leaves are still curling, and theres still brown spots on some of the leaves and some burnt tips. Considering the condition the plants were in when they were given to me, I think I did alright for my first time, I honestly hadnt expected them to survive through the first week, they were extremely fert burned and very weak and droopy when I got them, with tiny sickly stems and pretty stretched out. Add to that the stress of transplanting and travel, and I am surprised to still have plants in my closet.
The past couple days, I decided to make my own little "tea" or "tonic" just out of what I have around the house, in preparation for my plant tonic. I took a gallon of dechlorinated water, added a beer, a couple spoonfuls of molasses, and got it bubblin in my room right now, and as soon as my tonic arrived I added 2 spoonfuls into the mixture.
I have added to my plants just the plant tonic, and am looking forward to seeng the results! I will keep you all updated, and hopefully remember to get batteries soon for my camera and put up some pics.
Any comments/advice would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
IsmokePotbecauseitsCool..... With SPT in your toolbox now, there is hope. SPT is some amazing stuff. I've seen it bring back plants that had three roots in the grave, wilted leaves and that were more tan than green in color.
After you give them a watering with your mix, wait at least three days before doing any thing else (fert or water wise). Be sure to give your plants at least 8 straight hours of darkness, each night, this will help them bounce back.
Keep it Real....Organic.....


Well-Known Member
Good deal, I think you'll really love this stuff. :D

Oh, it helps to keep the lid on loosely, keeps the smell better. And I've added a few tablespoons of filtered water to "freshen" it up, seemed to enjoy it and kinda bubbled and has settled down, happy now.


Active Member
Heals the sick, makes the weak stand up strong, makes the buds fat. But it smells terrible. I guess there is always a catch.


Well-Known Member
Nobody told you about the smell, eh? :lol: You've GOT to know there is always a catch.

Leave the cap partially open, and when you use a bit, add a wee bit of water back to it.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely LOVE the molasses tea once it gets going. It's so heady, I'll sit there and sniff it the way I sniff the dryer exhaust (I love that scent of water, and water evaporating, and ozone). :lol: What a freak.


Active Member
Nobody told you about the smell, eh? :lol: You've GOT to know there is always a catch.

Leave the cap partially open, and when you use a bit, add a wee bit of water back to it.

Thanks for the info Seamaiden. I just ordered two bottles today. I caught it on sale, thanks to Boneman. I'll do that with these two. Do you think they would take my request for a vanillia or chocolate smelling SPT ? Their last email to me said " We want all ours customers to be happy." That would make me happy. :) LOL