My Big Bud


Active Member
My big bud is about 16 inches tall right now. It has started to grow what appears to be branches out where the original branches meet the stem. My question is does that mean it has begun to flower? I've been growing this from the light of my window for 2 months now (everyone is surprised it is so big).

So flowers or just new branches?


the widowman

Well-Known Member
it should be twice that height give it some blood fish and bonemeal. on a window sil it wont flower until august so come mid august give it a high potash fertilizer. and hope it does'nt turn out male BEST OF LUCK


Active Member
Thanks, I also have two more seedlings, and am working on making a closet of mine a grow room. So if it turns out to be a male, I'll have more on the way.