My Beetches look like cheetahs... wtfm?

Lower 2 large fan leaves have light green blotches with lil crater like spots
• Place: Closet dimensions 4.5ft wide 2.5ft deep 6.5ft high
• Medium: Hydroton
• Nutrients: GH3 bloom, micro, grow, cal mag
• Additives: GH FloraNectar
• Average pH: roughly 5.3-5.9
• Meter: Liquid Ph Tester kit soon to be digital
• Process: Ebb and Flow, Flood and Drain (2x4 table)
• Net Potsize: 8 - 3.5" net pots
• Method: LST (low Stress Training) Considering ScrOG
• Hood: 6" Air cooled tube reflector double parabolic arc white
• Light: 400W MH for Vegatative and or 400W HPS for Flowering
• Ventilation: 8" Oscillating fan, 2 - 5" corner fans, 250cfm Duct blower fan for light
1. AK-48 (fem.) has spots the worst with pale light green blotches.
2. Master Kush (fem.)
3. Northern Lights (fem.)
4. 2-Ice
5. 2-Luna Haze has mild spots on both
6. Spunky

Only 3 of the plants seem to have it. all at different ends of the table. nothern lights has it the worst, and luna haze. the plants are roughly 3 weeks into veg and are starting to form a decent size root mass and plant size. this is the time where they are about to start growing drastically. So just recently i started to notice the plants lower 2 large fan leaves turning over all slightly lighter shade of green and then having light green blotches with little dots in the middle that might be dead tissue.Its weird because only the lower 2 leaves have this problem.. they look like something may have took a bite out of that area. kinda like a mini crater. there is no visible causes like bugs. the spots tend to be in the center of the leaf and not so much around the outside. I just did a res change last night. its only been 5 days since this problem started. It doesn't seem to be spreading, thank god. what do you guys think? Also one of them, the northern lights feminized has a little amount of purple looking spots at the end of the 2 lower fan leaves looking a bit like lock out. i checked and fixed the pH. should clear up hopefully..



Well-Known Member
what kind of water are you using? (tap? r/o?)
why are you adding cal-mag?, gh3 part is pretty solid, i wouldnt use cal-mag unless there was a calcium/magnes defiency.
whats your temps? humidity?
if i were you, i would combine the 400w MH & HPS together, better spectrum (PAR).. unless you just wanted to keep it under 400w :)
(dont believe the myth about using MH only for veg, and HPS for flower.. if you want good results then you should use a light source with both spectrums (blue & red)
make sure your ph is between 5.8 - 6.2 for hydro. at all times.

**stop stressing over small things bro, hehe.. i know your excited :) .. those small brown blotches arent really bad, just give your plants some TLC and space. yes, that means you should stop checking on them every 5mins.. lol j/k

..everything looks good tho, goodluck


Well-Known Member
Get your digital PH meter and I bet your PH has been off just a tad. Fix the PH and you should see improvements within a week but from what I see nothing too bad. I would start to foliar spray as well, your plants will repond quicker and will be stronger plants in general.