My babies are dying Please help me!!!!!!


Active Member
OK i need a professional marijuana growers diagnosis. My babies are 3 weeks old and were doing just fine. I come home from work one day and they have lots of yellow spots on them. I use Fox Farm ocean forest soil and the 3pack nute (Big bloom, tiger bloom, and grow big) at 1/2 recommended dosage and I also have a 400watt HPS lamp. I did some research which suggest I have a ph problem. I checked the soil and it was a little over 7. I decided to flush the plants with water and I also added some vinegar to the soil. I woke up this morning and 2 of the 4 were drooping like crazy. I keep the light about 18 inches above the plants and I water every 2 days. what's going on I'm scared they're going to die and my weedman stopped selling so I need this to work!



Well-Known Member
ahah u fucked up man...u do NOT give plants nutes at 3 weeks nd then flush them nd then then put vinegar to the soil....nd ur ph was wayyy to high... try 5-7 tops..they also look a bit over watered


New Member
You don't even have to worry about pH under your circumstances and watering those plants every 2 days is probably what gotcha.


Active Member
yeah, they look over watered to me. i would just flush them and put em back under the also give em a shot of superthrive. ST will give it a huge boost to grow proper and will fix almost any problem in plant related to chemicals that mess em up. rinse em down and start over. Oh and that yellowing may be from the ferts ur usin


New Member
yeah, they look over watered to me. i would just flush them and put em back under the also give em a shot of superthrive. ST will give it a huge boost to grow proper and will fix almost any problem in plant related to chemicals that mess em up. rinse em down and start over. Oh and that yellowing may be from the ferts ur usin
You don't fix an over-watered plant by running more water through the medium. You let it dry out so the roots get oxygen. Don't use any ferts cuz those leaves are dark. Just let it dry out before you water again.... always.

Don't think you can water every couple days or whatever and be fine. If you wanna do it like that you need a hydro setup.


Well-Known Member
I did some research which suggest I have a ph problem. I checked the soil and it was a little over 7. I decided to flush the plants with water and I also added some vinegar to the soil.!
You put vinegar in the soil?? Bad move my friend. If the PH of your watering solution is too high, you can use a few drops of vinegar MIXED INTO THE WATER to lower the PH. By adding vinegar directly to the soil you just destroyed your plants. Throw it all out and start over.


Well-Known Member
thats what i told em....but u kno ..theres ur plants ur not jus gunna chuck em..lmaoo...better of chuckin these tho...jus a waste of time..nd effort....start over my friend this time no vinegar directly onto u kno what that does to a plant..haha its like putin all the vinegar that u put on ur plant on ur tongue..haha dosent feel or taste to good does it? good luck


New Member
They ain't even that bad. Don't toss em out just take care of them. Did you pour vinegar directly into the soil undiluted? If that's the case all you gotta do is flush em with a good bit of water and you're good to grow. ;-)


Active Member
thanks for you help folks. I should have clarified. I didn't pour the vinegar directly into the soil. I poured it into a gallon of water and then poured the water in the soil. (don't know if that makes any difference) Is there anyway to save them because i would really hate to have to start over.


Well-Known Member
umm since u dont wanna chuck em..i wudnt add anything to them no fertz,no water jus light may take a while but they mihgt come back to live..patience my friend patience


Well-Known Member
Honestly bro, they look so bad that you probably just want to start over. Even if they recover, the stress you've put them through might be sufficient to cause hermies. Also, your soil is probably in terrible condition after all you've done.


Well-Known Member
thats sooo truuu..but if this dude wants to continue o well let em....u learn from ur mistakes right:P


Well-Known Member
haha well lmaoo thats not our faults..learn to grow before acutally growing #1 RULE..happpy smokin good luck with ur plants