My Auto babies are tiny, Is this normal?

Hello everyone,

Im growing two Royal Dwarf Aka in the Blacony. They are currently on day 33 since I germinated the seeds. They have received around 10-11 hours of natural daylight (about 5 of those hours of direct sunlight) per day, temp of 18ºC- 24ºC (At night I put them inside by the window)
After a bit over 2 weeks I noticed they completely stopped growth and one of them died off (maybe due to extreme sun and heat that day) So I decided to do some research, bought some better soil (Kilomix) and started a feed program of SensiGrow (part A and B) They seemed really happy about that and growth has started again (the last two leaves)
This was 15 days ago and compared to some grow processes I have seen they look very small, especially considering this is an Auto. Any ideas? Is it too late?

P.D. I think Im not overwatering them since I only did a deep watering once and otherwise try to water only when the soil is dry. The feed program indicates to add the mix to water only once a week, which is what I have done twice now. I have also attached an image of a second-generation I started in case these babies are already doomed.

I am out of ideas and my friends and I are counting on this project for an end-of-year summer celebration xD. Any insights from the pros would be really appreciated! Thanks!


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They're not doomed but you can see pistils in that 4th picture so they're going to flower but you won't get anything off of them. They didn't get enough light. They need more than 5 hours of direct light.
Cooler temps (18-20c) will dramatically slow growth as well. At 20c my last run of auto's didn't start to flower until around 8 weeks.