New Member
Hello everyone,
Im growing two Royal Dwarf Aka in the Blacony. They are currently on day 33 since I germinated the seeds. They have received around 10-11 hours of natural daylight (about 5 of those hours of direct sunlight) per day, temp of 18ºC- 24ºC (At night I put them inside by the window)
After a bit over 2 weeks I noticed they completely stopped growth and one of them died off (maybe due to extreme sun and heat that day) So I decided to do some research, bought some better soil (Kilomix) and started a feed program of SensiGrow (part A and B) They seemed really happy about that and growth has started again (the last two leaves)
This was 15 days ago and compared to some grow processes I have seen they look very small, especially considering this is an Auto. Any ideas? Is it too late?
P.D. I think Im not overwatering them since I only did a deep watering once and otherwise try to water only when the soil is dry. The feed program indicates to add the mix to water only once a week, which is what I have done twice now. I have also attached an image of a second-generation I started in case these babies are already doomed.
I am out of ideas and my friends and I are counting on this project for an end-of-year summer celebration xD. Any insights from the pros would be really appreciated! Thanks!
Im growing two Royal Dwarf Aka in the Blacony. They are currently on day 33 since I germinated the seeds. They have received around 10-11 hours of natural daylight (about 5 of those hours of direct sunlight) per day, temp of 18ºC- 24ºC (At night I put them inside by the window)
After a bit over 2 weeks I noticed they completely stopped growth and one of them died off (maybe due to extreme sun and heat that day) So I decided to do some research, bought some better soil (Kilomix) and started a feed program of SensiGrow (part A and B) They seemed really happy about that and growth has started again (the last two leaves)
This was 15 days ago and compared to some grow processes I have seen they look very small, especially considering this is an Auto. Any ideas? Is it too late?
P.D. I think Im not overwatering them since I only did a deep watering once and otherwise try to water only when the soil is dry. The feed program indicates to add the mix to water only once a week, which is what I have done twice now. I have also attached an image of a second-generation I started in case these babies are already doomed.
I am out of ideas and my friends and I are counting on this project for an end-of-year summer celebration xD. Any insights from the pros would be really appreciated! Thanks!