My arts okay.. Should I keep drawing?


Well-Known Member
col.jpgUntitled (1).jpg
Ive only ever finished like three drawings in my life. these two are completely due to lsd and ketamine which I find pathetic. I want to have this kind of creativity while sober but my brain just doesn't work that way.

Are these cool though? They look like really generic stoner drawings, but Im still proud of them!


bud bootlegger
those are pretty cool, i really like the second one, but even if they sucked monkey balls, who cares, so long as you enjoy drawing, i'd say stick with it... seems like a great stress reliever to me..

i'd always wished i could draw, but definitely suck at it for sure..


Well-Known Member
You should definitely stick with it if you like it. Even if they don't come out the way you want at first (because you're not on LSD or ketamine) the more you do it the better you'll get at it.


Active Member
Very interesting :)... I like your use of colours and your art is very unique... I think you should continue to draw and develop your technique as you obviously enjoy and it and get a sense of achievement from 'creating' something. Only critique I would give you would be, they are very busy with slightly conflicting styles (in the second one there is no set theme and seems to be slightly random and put together). I would really like to see you try one object or landscape and do your own take with your coloured style! Keep it up Dude.


Never stop drawing those are pretty good, considering they are the only two you have ever completed. The first one is very good as far as perspective. My advise with the second is it has a lot of creativity but there is lots going on, use thickish lines of white or black in between "themes" (I prefer to use sharpie), it will give each "section" more definition and make it less overwhelming ish.

Stick to it and you'll be an amazing artist in no time.