My 3 Week Plant Wat You Guys Think About It???


Here Iz My 3 Weeks Old Plant Is It Growing Healthy nd Right like Its Suppose To Be For Being 3 Weeks??? Nd I Also Transplanted Two Other Plants But They Dieing On Me Should I Throw Them Away Or They Will Grow Again??....



Well-Known Member
Here Iz My 3 Weeks Old Plant Is It Growing Healthy nd Right like Its Suppose To Be For Being 3 Weeks??? Nd I Also Transplanted Two Other Plants But They Dieing On Me Should I Throw Them Away Or They Will Grow Again??....
We really can't tell without pictures or detail about the transplanted guys but the other plants look fine maybe a little small though. What type of light are you using?


I'm Using a 150Wtt H.G Light For Now Tell I Get A Better Light For Them Tha Other Plants Are Just Druppy Nd Leave Are Fallin Down But I Notice Each Day It Get Better But I Still Dnt Kno If They Will Survive................... I Keep Them 12/8 Should I Keep Them 24/7 Till They Get A Lil Bit Bigger???


Well-Known Member
I'm Using a 150Wtt H.G light for now till I get a better light for them the other plants are just droopy and the leave are falling down but I notice each day it is getting better but I still don't know if they will survive................... I keep them 12/8 should I keep them 24/7 till they get a Lil bit bigger???
12/8? on the top right of the screen is a link named FAQ you should read some of the information there.


Active Member
what are you doing? 12/8 you have to give them some where between 18-24 hours of light everyday for vegging. vtec check out my albums i posted a crown bud i harvested yesterday.