My 250-Watt MH/HPS DWC closet grow - Jack Herer

midwest connect

Active Member
These are two Jack Herers 12 days into veg (from clone). I picked up the cuttings from a local collective and they only had two maybe three sets of leaves on them. They've gotten big fast.

Each plant is in a standard five-gallon bucket from home depot, an 8-inch air stone at the bottom of each, and a 2-outlet air pump bubbling the waters. I've got a 250-watt metal halide conversion bulb running right now and will change it to 250-watt HPS when flowering begins. Temps in the room hover at 75-78 but my ventilation is not superb. I have to keep the bulb at least a foot or so from the canopy or it will get too hot.

I tied down these plants to keep them low and create as quality a canopy as possible. They still need work though, they are kind of a mess right now. I am just using basic Floranova Grow during vegging. I plan on vegging for another 10 days or so.



Well-Known Member
looking nice my friend! flora nava works great i use them as well and you are in the right place unless you want it to be in the journal forum.