Well-Known Member
4 Jack Herer auto-fems seeds (from a previous plant that produced seeds).
Hempy style in 2L pop bottles with perlite and soil cap/core.
The strongest and weakest seedlings will be feed Dyna Gro Foliage Pro, and the middle two will get GH Maxi-Bloom......all will get a cal-mag supplement
I'm doing a comparison of the nutes which is far from a proper study but rather for my personal use....this is my first time using Dyna Gro

They started off rather equal, with maybe the 4th one being a bit smaller than her sisters

The weakest (#4) on the far left and the strongest (#3) on the far right (Dyna Gro).....the middle ones (#2 and #1) GH MaxiBloom

I fucked up the pH on all 4, so I had a bit of a setback

The two getting GH MaxiBloom (far left & far right) as clearly doing better than the ones getting Dyna Gro

The differences between the two test groups are become more obvious

Hempy style in 2L pop bottles with perlite and soil cap/core.
The strongest and weakest seedlings will be feed Dyna Gro Foliage Pro, and the middle two will get GH Maxi-Bloom......all will get a cal-mag supplement
I'm doing a comparison of the nutes which is far from a proper study but rather for my personal use....this is my first time using Dyna Gro

They started off rather equal, with maybe the 4th one being a bit smaller than her sisters

The weakest (#4) on the far left and the strongest (#3) on the far right (Dyna Gro).....the middle ones (#2 and #1) GH MaxiBloom

I fucked up the pH on all 4, so I had a bit of a setback

The two getting GH MaxiBloom (far left & far right) as clearly doing better than the ones getting Dyna Gro

The differences between the two test groups are become more obvious

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