My 2011 winter grow, so far


Active Member
Hey everyone, I tried to start an album in my profile but couldn't add pics, so i'll do it here. Mostly og kush, some blue dream, bubba kush and 2 mystery strains all in roots organics. Also 2 bubba kush and a purple strain in dwc buckets. recently upgraded from a 400 watt to 2 1000 watt lights. This is my first grow under my new lights. Currently week 3 into flower(18 days), i will reduce the number of indoor after this grow and setup a locked greenhouse. hope you like:leaf:


Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Nice clean set up! I also run 2k watts. What are you average yields per harvest? I'm all organic but lately have been pulling about 1-1.5lbs per light just curious as to what others harvest's look like. Great looking stuff so far I'm subbed :)


Active Member
Thanks! This is my first run with my new lights so I'm not sure about yields yet. I will try to get some current pics up every week.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow redbird I see you use H&G nutes, good stuff I use them too. I am upgrading my room to 2 1000W this year.. Did you make extra electrical outlets?


Active Member
Thank you, I've never used h&g before this, and I really want to try this veganics method, so this may be my only run with h&g lineup. Maybe harvest will change my mind haha. The room actually has an outlet on each of the four walls but it's only a 15 amp circuit, so I have one light and an 8 inch fan on that circuit and the other light is connected to an extension cord coming from the hall bathroom. It would be sweet if I could get someone to run a dedicated circuit to that room someday.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, I've never used h&g before this, and I really want to try this veganics method, so this may be my only run with h&g lineup. Maybe harvest will change my mind haha. The room actually has an outlet on each of the four walls but it's only a 15 amp circuit, so I have one light and an 8 inch fan on that circuit and the other light is connected to an extension cord coming from the hall bathroom. It would be sweet if I could get someone to run a dedicated circuit to that room someday.
Yeah I need to do that because I will have to run a extension cord from another room, you will be pleased with H&G nutes its very clean stuff and if you decide to flush you only need like a 2 day flush at most I use the cocos and the rest of their expensive shit.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
I have an electrician friend if you ever need help. He is MMJ friendly lol. I am a veganic grower. This will be my 3rd harvest using veganics. So far I have to say it is the cleanest bud I have EVER smoked. I can load a .5g bowl take it all in one hit and not cough at all. Except after I exhale. Im still trying to perfect it. I have smoked more potent bud for sure, but I have to say mine is some of the tastiest and cleanest. :) let me know if you have any questions...I use bio canna nutrients by the way :)


Well-Known Member
I have an electrician friend if you ever need help. He is MMJ friendly lol. I am a veganic grower. This will be my 3rd harvest using veganics. So far I have to say it is the cleanest bud I have EVER smoked. I can load a .5g bowl take it all in one hit and not cough at all. Except after I exhale. Im still trying to perfect it. I have smoked more potent bud for sure, but I have to say mine is some of the tastiest and cleanest. :) let me know if you have any questions...I use bio canna nutrients by the way :)
Yeah I was gonna text you about that, I figured you guys have or know of a legit electrician... Thanks Bird.


Active Member
Hell yeah! Thank you I will probably contact you someday about your buddy. Do you only use bio canna for nutes? I think i read on h&g website that their ferts are also derived from plant matter, would this line also qualify for veganic growing? I'm attracted to the idea of organic and veganic mainly to cut costs on chemical ferts, so I'd rather use teas than buy bio canna, but all the info I find on veganic growing says you need comfrey and nettles to make a tea. I don't know where to get that in AZ


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! Thank you I will probably contact you someday about your buddy. Do you only use bio canna for nutes? I think i read on h&g website that their ferts are also derived from plant matter, would this line also qualify for veganic growing? I'm attracted to the idea of organic and veganic mainly to cut costs on chemical ferts, so I'd rather use teas than buy bio canna, but all the info I find on veganic growing says you need comfrey and nettles to make a tea. I don't know where to get that in AZ
A couple different hydro supply stores sell their own compost tea I know for a fact I seen them with my own eyes in Sea Of Green off Bell Road and on The West Side at Gonzo Grow in Tolleson. I read a rumor a few years back that said H&G owner used to work for Canna and jumped ship to start his own business I dont know how true it is but makes sense.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
A couple different hydro supply stores sell their own compost tea I know for a fact I seen them with my own eyes in Sea Of Green off Bell Road and on The West Side at Gonzo Grow in Tolleson. I read a rumor a few years back that said H&G owner used to work for Canna and jumped ship to start his own business I dont know how true it is but makes sense.
I heard the same thing only complete opposite ha ha that the guy worked for H&G and then left and created canna. That is why they are bottled the same and techniqually very similar. I brew teas as well as add stuff like alfalfa meal, neem cake, EWC. Etc... To my soil. Teas are where it's at I am just starting to get lazy and spending the extra money for the bottled nutes. S far so good with these canna nutes. Can't complain...only thing I've noticed is some strains require more p and k and canna doesn't pack tht extra punch, so I've found a couple kelp boosters that have been working wonders.


Active Member
One of the girls is dying, and I'm totally stumped. It is one of the dwc buckets( bubba Kush) and at one time was the strongest plant in the garden. All the dwc buckets are at the same ph, same ppm, same nutes (canna plus roots excel and drip clean and a cal/mag). Just the last three days the lower leaves have been yellowing and today, all the leaves where droopy. The look of death droopy. I'm a soil guy so I don't know what to do. The roots look khaki colored but all the buckets are and always have been that color. The air stones are fine, I checked for slime and the roots feel clean and healthy to me. There are some white flies or gnats living in the hydroton but not sure they could kill this beast plant. And the other bubba I have in dwc has seriously hit her stride the last 2 weeks under the exact same conditions.


Well-Known Member
One of the girls is dying, and I'm totally stumped. It is one of the dwc buckets( bubba Kush) and at one time was the strongest plant in the garden. All the dwc buckets are at the same ph, same ppm, same nutes (canna plus roots excel and drip clean and a cal/mag). Just the last three days the lower leaves have been yellowing and today, all the leaves where droopy. The look of death droopy. I'm a soil guy so I don't know what to do. The roots look khaki colored but all the buckets are and always have been that color. The air stones are fine, I checked for slime and the roots feel clean and healthy to me. There are some white flies or gnats living in the hydroton but not sure they could kill this beast plant. And the other bubba I have in dwc has seriously hit her stride the last 2 weeks under the exact same conditions.
I'm pretty good with DWC. What are the water temps in the bucket?


Well-Known Member
Your plants look good dude, that sick one I dont know.. I would change the res out add new r/o water and then slowly bring up the PPM with nutes, no slime in the res? roots dont stink? Whats your water temps in DWC. It's definitely a PH lock out of some sort because your plant is yellowing and not absorbing any nutes or nitrogen for that matter so I would dump the res add new water and PH to 5.5 or close to 5.8.


Active Member
Your plants look good dude, that sick one I dont know.. I would change the res out add new r/o water and then slowly bring up the PPM with nutes, no slime in the res? roots dont stink? Whats your water temps in DWC. It's definitely a PH lock out of some sort because your plant is yellowing and not absorbing any nutes or nitrogen for that matter so I would dump the res add new water and PH to 5.5 or close to 5.8.
idk either, im pretty good with plants too, i have a big garden and a vineyard in back, i pimped out my front yard, ive never had a plant freak out for no reason when ive controlled every stage of its life, and i have an advantage here because its hydro and i can examine the rootzone. im like wtf. all the buckets are at 5.8, i check them every morning, i change their water about every 10 days and top up in between, and just topped up and adjusted ppm yesterday.( 850 ppm) theyre all about 75 degrees right now. roots dont smell bad, just like a weed plant, no slime, no obvious problems. i can see every part of the plant except whats in the hydroton, if it dies completely ill do an autopsy


Active Member
if you think a simple water change will help that would be great i just picked up more water last night cause its time to add some bud xl to the soil lineup!


Well-Known Member
if you think a simple water change will help that would be great i just picked up more water last night cause its time to add some bud xl to the soil lineup!
Thats the cool thing about hydro you can just dump your res refill and watch.. yes dump that res that plant has a PH problem something is being locked out calibrate your PH meter too, also DWC is very water temperature sensitive try and always keep your water temps under 70 degrees using frozen water bottles you buy at the store, another thing you can do is get a cheap small desk fan and point it at your pumps so the pumps suck in cool air and send it to your water.


Active Member
Thats the cool thing about hydro you can just dump your res refill and watch.. yes dump that res that plant has a PH problem something is being locked out calibrate your PH meter too, also DWC is very water temperature sensitive try and always keep your water temps under 70 degrees using frozen water bottles you buy at the store, another thing you can do is get a cheap small desk fan and point it at your pumps so the pumps suck in cool air and send it to your water.
cool didnt know that about the temps, but the frozen bottle trick is dope. i do that when i brew beer to keep fermentation temps down in the summer "ice bombs" and yeah that pump gets hot as hell. ill go switch the water in all the buckets and ph to 5.5 gonne put all back at 850 ppm except the sick one, ill start her closer to 600. good? ill keep you posted, thanks for the help!