My 1st lsd trip so far...


I started off taking 3 hits at about midnight then after an hour we started driving around town trying to get our speed up to 100 on a small road with a hill (no people were around and it was a designated driver) then came back smoked a little weed thought to my self lsd isnt that great im pretty sure ive been this fucked up on dxm and weed then i thought i should try and go to sleep. needless to say i couldnt fall asleep and i spent the next 5 hours in a hazy existence going from watching full metal jacket look at my self in the mirror and focusing hard enough to make my body disappear blah blah blah now its 2 pm i just took 3 more hits and Im halfway through a clockwork orange so my question is this should i watch a classic like 2001 space oddysey or paths of glory or anything else on netflix watch instantly i think its about to set in so let me know


Well-Known Member
should spread your doses out more. u build up a quick tolerance. you should watch akira, or the wall they both good