My 1st grow. From seed up until now. Check it out!

- Started about a month ago for the first time.

- 2 Strawberry cough seeeds, and 1 northern light cross breed auto seeed

- Transplanted into 10g pots about 3 weeks old

- Using FFOF soil

- Started with an 18/6 light cycle, switched to a 24/7 cycle to speed up growth.

- Using a 600w mh light for veg, (for all 3) will switch to a 600w hps light for flowering when time to.

- All of these seeeds are suppose to be feminized. Im not exactly sure how to tell sex. Im sure they are females, but if anyone can tell by the pictures if they're for sure female please let me know! Also if anyone has any advice or feedback on how to tell sex, please tell me! Any info at all helps! Im sure they wouldn't be labeled and sold as fem if they're not, I just want to be absolutely sure, so anyone who can tell sex or who can give me some good feedback please don't hesitate to comment and let me know!

- At the beginning of the 4th week, I gave plants a very mild dose of FF nutes, but then I was told that soil I was using had enough nutes in it already that I didn't to feed the plants for a little while.

- I topped them kinda late, at about 5 weeks. One turned out really good, a prefect top. The other one ended up being a FIM, I misplaced the top and ended up cutting it at the stem. Good thing is it still turned out pretty good, and the two nodes above the cut ended up growing really fast and getting really strong.

- They have been growing for a month and a day today.

- The 2 strawberry coughs are still in veg, they're getting pretty big. The stems are getting pretty thick. The northern light cross auto is looking amazing, white hairs all over it. Im pretty sure its in pre flowering or full flowering stage by the way it looks and is growing.

- I was thinking about keeping the strawberry coughs in veg until the auto finishes up to make things easier. That would be most likely another month of veg for the strawberry coughs. Then the auto would be ready, and I could Switch the lights and the time schedule to 12/12.

^^ If anyone has any feedback or advice if I should or should not do this, or when to switch to flower, please let me know! Any info or feedback at all helps!

- Two days ago, I saw these extremely tiny bugs in the soil, and have never seen this before. Immediately I researched as much as I could on bugs. Many people on riu have tried to help me to identify what exact bugs I have a problem with. But i've gotten so many different answers I have no idea what the bugs are. My best description of them would be extremely tiny, as big as a gran of sugar or sand, maybe a tiny bit bigger. Shiny silverish, whiteish in color, possible wings on there back closed but can't tell for sure on account of how small they are. If i had to describe the way they move, I'd say in a twitchy like manor. Have only seen them in soil, no where on plants. Plants look extremely healthy and leaves look good. Nothing on under side of leaves. The soil was dry when I saw the bugs. After I saw the bugs I watered that day, a gallon to each plant. After I watered I could not find them or see them at all. This was weird to me because before I watered, if I put my face close enough to the soil and focused hard enough, I could see several of the bugs moving around. And they were no where to be found after I watered. Its been 1 or 2 days since I watered and I still cannot find them, or see any bugs at all. People have told me I should get neem oil and use it to kill what ever bug problem I have. Ive also heard to use fungicide3. But If I haven't fully identified my problem, I do not want to take steps trying to remove it, and end up hurting my plants in the process. I need to make a diagnosis soon because Im pretty sure I caught the problem in an early stage, and do not want to wait and let the problem get a lot more serious!

^^ If anyone one has any insight or feedback at all for me, about what bug problem I might have or how I can rid my plants of this problem, please let me know right away. Any advice at all helps, about universal pesticides or anything at all about bugs and how to get rid of them! So please if your willing to help, do not hesitate, message me or post here and let me know what you think about my bug problem or any info at all that relates to this subject that could be of use to me!

- Also I still haven't added nutes yet, so if anyone knows when the soil nutes will be gone, and when I should start a nute cycle, please let me know. Any info or advice at all will help.

- Well thats pretty much everything. I will update this thread, throughout the life span of the plants, all the way up to harvest. Willing to hear anybody out if you have good advice or feedback for anything to do with growing. So please comment if you have something good to say!

- Please anyone who has anything to say please feel free to comment, express your opinion on my grow, or ask me any questions. I don't know if I will be able to help you, but I will surely do my best to try.

- Thank you for taking time to read and check out my grow, hope you enjoyed checking it out!

- Here are the pictures of my plants, from small sprouts up until now. (pretty decent size and development)
(The pictures go from beginning till now, the first couple of pics is the auto, the second set is one of the strawberry coughs, and the last set is the other strawberry)


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You grow in soil....

Bugs will sooner or later invade....

I use "Sticky Yellow" ribbon bug catcher...Raid makes them...
Neem Oil mix and use once in a while if the bugs get bad...
Also H2O2 .... I spray surface bugs...
I also do a lot of wacking...of the bugs....
Ah, Ha! As I said in another thread you made (tried to answer your PM, but your in box needs to be emptied - too full) that if they are what you have just described here!
They are of NO concern! They are HARMLESS to our plants and are COMMON in good soil grows! (The "twitchy" gives it away....)
I forgot their name, but like I said. Forget about it!
Ah, Ha! As I said in another thread you made (tried to answer your PM, but your in box needs to be emptied - too full) that if they are what you have just described here!
They are of NO concern! They are HARMLESS to our plants and are COMMON in good soil grows! (The "twitchy" gives it away....)
I forgot their name, but like I said. Forget about it!

"Springtails" most likely.

Or just soil mites.

Both of which as the good doctor says are harmless and are there to help. They feed on bad fungi and other decaying matter.

Your auto looks like its leaf edges are rolling up at the sides.
Usually indicative of one of a few different problems.
Heat - too close to light.
Mg deficiency
Oscillating fan position.

Other than this I'd say you're doing really well.

You grow in soil....

Bugs will sooner or later invade....

I use "Sticky Yellow" ribbon bug catcher...Raid makes them...
Neem Oil mix and use once in a while if the bugs get bad...
Also H2O2 .... I spray surface bugs...
I also do a lot of wacking...of the bugs....

so should i pick up some neem oil or h202? or just stick the with the sticky yellow?
"Springtails" most likely.

Or just soil mites.

Both of which as the good doctor says are harmless and are there to help. They feed on bad fungi and other decaying matter.

Your auto looks like its leaf edges are rolling up at the sides.
Usually indicative of one of a few different problems.
Heat - too close to light.
Mg deficiency
Oscillating fan position.

Other than this I'd say you're doing really well.


I do have a fan moving back and forth between the 3 plants, but also it could have been i forgot to move up the light for a few days, it was pretty close to the plants. but i moved it up right when i rememebered. You think it could be one of these 2?
I do have a fan moving back and forth between the 3 plants, but also it could have been i forgot to move up the light for a few days, it was pretty close to the plants. but i moved it up right when i rememebered. You think it could be one of these 2?

Yes forgetting to move the light up will most likely have caused it.

out of the 2 strawberry's 1 is like really hefty and tall (the last set of pics) and the other one turned out more like a bush sort of, short and more rounded. Is this common for same strain to look different?
out of the 2 strawberry's 1 is like really hefty and tall (the last set of pics) and the other one turned out more like a bush sort of, short and more rounded. Is this common for same strain to look different?

totally common to have different Pheno`s, but its not always the nicer looking one in veg that turn out the best at the end

now after reading more of your thread, I would actually advice you to switch to the HPS and 12/12 for the Auto, as the HPS will help it develop its Buds better then the MH, but agin I would let the Regular plants decide it for you, as that is where your real yield will be
about your Bug problems

look in to H2O2 (the normal 3% most Ppl have at home works fine)

have a read:

some Ppl. don't like to use it, specially not in soil, as it also kills good bacteria, but I have good experience with it, also for over watering, nice thing to have on the shelf if you bump in to problems, and IMO as long as you keep it to a minimum (5ml per gallon of the 3%) and only use it for problems like Bug`s and over watering (to safe your grow) its perfectly fine to even use in Organic soil a few time`s, you might have to add mineral nutrients to support your soil/grow to finish of, but Im sure you, like me find that a better option then loosing your crop to Bug`s or root rot
about the nutrients and when to start to use it, well agin this is here you need to gain some experience and learn to read your plant`s

but a good soil do contain enough food for the first few week`s and by doing a few repots along the way in Veg you really don't have to use much doing Veg IME

the stretch is where it will need the most, specially nitrogen, in late flowering it will need less nitrogen and more P/K

beside NPK you should also do some research on micro`s and trace elements, like Calcium, Mg, Iron, zinc aso and get a basic knowledge's of what the plant needs in different stages to thrive

this is a nice place to look up a lot of stuff

now after reading more of your thread, I would actually advice you to switch to the HPS and 12/12 for the Auto, as the HPS will help it develop its Buds better then the MH, but agin I would let the Regular plants decide it for you, as that is where your real yield will be

Yea i agree, in 2 days from now its 5 weeks since they've been growing so I'm gonna switch then.
about your Bug problems

look in to H2O2 (the normal 3% most Ppl have at home works fine)

have a read:

some Ppl. don't like to use it, specially not in soil, as it also kills good bacteria, but I have good experience with it, also for over watering, nice thing to have on the shelf if you bump in to problems, and IMO as long as you keep it to a minimum (5ml per gallon of the 3%) and only use it for problems like Bug`s and over watering (to safe your grow) its perfectly fine to even use in Organic soil a few time`s, you might have to add mineral nutrients to support your soil/grow to finish of, but Im sure you, like me find that a better option then loosing your crop to Bug`s or root rot

Alright so i should look into something called H202, and you said something about mineral nutes? what are those called?
about the nutrients and when to start to use it, well agin this is here you need to gain some experience and learn to read your plant`s

but a good soil do contain enough food for the first few week`s and by doing a few repots along the way in Veg you really don't have to use much doing Veg IME

the stretch is where it will need the most, specially nitrogen, in late flowering it will need less nitrogen and more P/K

beside NPK you should also do some research on micro`s and trace elements, like Calcium, Mg, Iron, zinc aso and get a basic knowledge's of what the plant needs in different stages to thrive

this is a nice place to look up a lot of stuff

Alright i will definitely do some research on it, but if you had to sum it up for me in the easiest way, could you tell me what nutes to buy, and when i should use them. These are the nutes i have now ...

Shuld i use these or no. I just figured i got the soil so why not the nutes to go with it, keep it all in the same family. what do you think?