mutant plant?


so i have this baby purple plant i got from my brother at about a week old he said all he knows is that its purple and things were fine for a bit but it started growing 3 nodes at a time so i was just thinking awesome maybe it will just have extra branches or something (being optimistic) but it wasnt until my dad started pointing it out that the plants growing backwards its having odd number of nodes and even number of leafs it started as 2 leafs 4 leafs and now i have a bunch of 6 leafs (not all are even there are some regular)
and the leafs that are even look like there splitting apart like when a cell divides

other than it being short bushy and growing weird it physically looks healthy has been growing at a good rate other than its short his 3 brothers i germinated when i got him are a week younger but are about 6 inches taller the 3 seeds i had were mystery seeds from bottom or mix bagys so i just try and eyeball what they are


Well-Known Member I would need to see some pics to have any idea what you mean..but it sounds---interesting?


i forgot to mention after 3 sets of 3 nodes it went to going 1 node branch and then having the stem grow out from the started branch so its now growing in a zig zag pattern i'll try to get pics but my only camera is my phone and its not that great and i dont know how to get them from my phone to my computer (low tech phone)