Must Start Auto in End Pot?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Is this a myth? Do you have to start autos in their final container, or is it okay to repot them?
Yes it’s a myth. Probably from folk transplanting and messing it up.

Just don’t leave it too late. The fast seeking tap root will trigger flowering if it bottoms out and triggers stress.

I aim to transplant before the 14 day mark and have had no issues only benefits of adding mycorrhizal around the transplanting whole.

Remember roots go down and out before going up.

The link in my signature shows how I transplanted from 1l to 15l pots.

If you’re not familiar with how to transplant properly practise of other plants before jumping in the deep end with a plant on a ticking time bomb lol
Total myth...I germinate in solo cup and transplant into 5 gallon fabric pot at about day 14. No issues
Would you recommend solo cup, then 1 gallon, then 3 gallon, or solo cup --> 3 gallon and be done with it?
It is up to you. I do seed starter cube, solo cup, 1 gallon and then three. Never an issue.

Just use your current container to mold a hole in the soil of your pot. Pull roots from container when a touch dry. Intact ball. Set in hole and water in well. No issues.

Good luck. 007.jpg008.jpg010.jpg015.jpg
I believe it to be a stoner myth. This is before and after repotting of an auto. Although I germ in peat pellets and transfer to final pot the day after sprout as well.


  • Before.jpg
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  • After Transplant.jpg
    After Transplant.jpg
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  • Day after sprout.jpg
    Day after sprout.jpg
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Well, my ancestors (you guys) told me to repot and I did. It was time! Def have to make sure to not be too late on an auto repot. Learn something new every day! I don't think I went way over, but I'll be quicker next time. Thanks everyone!

I like the idea of repotting autos for moisture control purposes, so I'm going to stick with it!
Any ideas of when to go from 1 gallon to 3 gallon? 3 weeks seems to be the sweet spot for solo cup to 1 gallon.
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Any ideas of when to go from 1 gallon to 3 gallon? 3 weeks seems to be the sweet spot for solo cup to 1 gallon.
I go straight from starter pots to 3 gallon cloth pots to finish in. I found the 1 gallon up pot a needless step for the amount of time they spend in the 1 gallon pot.

Day 14 from sprout, removed from starter pot

Into 3 gallon pot
IMO you want to have an auto in its final pot about a week prior to when you start seeing pre flowers to avoid too much stress during its transition to flower. This will let it recuperate a little bit after the transplant, allowing the plant to go into flowering healthy and strong to avoid any shock that autos are easily prone 2
IMO you want to have an auto in its final pot about a week prior to when you start seeing pre flowers to avoid too much stress during its transition to flower. This will let it recuperate a little bit after the transplant, allowing the plant to go into flowering healthy and strong to avoid any shock that autos are easily prone 2
And how would you go about knowing when preflowers are going to form?
if you are
And how would you go about knowing when preflowers are going to form?
if you are familiar with the strain it is easy. If not I would look to see when the plant starts showing it’s sex. For me this is typically around week 3. Usually I begin to see preflowers 1-2 weeks after that. That’s how I would go about it!
I go from jiffy seed starters straight to five gallon fiber pots leave about three inches low on soil to add some later. Won’t do in 3 gln pots any longer because the yield amount is worth doing it in a 5. Why risk doing transplants.