Uncle Ben
Well-Known Member
"Political-correctness now extends to the identification of rapists in Europe where the press continually under-reports the high incidence of the most heinous sexual assaults and gang-rapes you can hardly imagine.
The true War on Women is being waged as we speak in the form of child-rape, sexual assault, paedophilia and gangs of Muslim men brutally raping women, in marathon fashion while crowds cheer them on and the press all but ignores.
In December 2011 a Swedish mother-of-two was subjected to a brutal gang-rape by 12 Afghan immigrants in a refugee camp in Mariannelund. Reports stated “The rape was oral, anal and vaginal sometimes with three rapists inside her at the same time while everybody was cheering and clapping. The gruesome rape marathon lasted for 7 hours. 11 suspect may have been involved taking turns while drinking and getting high on drugs. The asylum seekers were cheering and clapping their hands during the rape marathon while calling the victim “whore” and “slut”.”
The woman went into shock while the rapes were still underway, and has since been in a heavily traumatised state. She is now subject to nightmares and panic attacks, and lives in a psychiatric clinic. She is bound to a wheelchair due to damages to her abdomen, and suffers from faecal incontinence.
In the U.K. there has been a steady stream of cases where primarily under- privileged young English girls have been targeted, groomed and raped by gangs of what the British press euphemistically refers to as Asian men. However, the published names of the perpetrators are primarily of Pakistan and Afghanistan origin when the gang rapists appear in court.
According to some of the mothers, a fear of being branded racist makes many of the police and social services reluctant to investigate the crimes as organised and connected. One mother from Rotherham, whose 14-year-old daughter was groomed into prostitution and multiply raped during a 12-month period, told me that almost every man convicted of these crimes in the north of England is from Pakistan but that the authorities insist that it is not relevant.”
In June 2011 a 14-year-old Norwegan girl, Eva Helgetun, committed suicide after being gang-raped by three teenage migrants.
In January 2013 the Local reported a 22-year-old woman was gang-raped by five men in Stockholm, the first of three reported gang-rapes in the city this year. Eight Muslim male teenagers have been arrested on suspicion of aggravated rape in connection with the three incidents.
In March 2013 a British tourist was gang-raped by three Arab men in a Spanish resort.
The list goes on and on – yet this is the culture we are importing into this country: Child and gang rape, clitorectomies, paedophilia and animal behavior. Make no mistake, what we read about these incidents in America are the tip of the iceberg of what’s to come and our press is no better when it comes to shining a light on it.
In Stockholm, Sweden, as many as 20 Muslim men gang-raped an 11-year-old girl. A mother was hosting a birthday party at a public bath/swim center for a group of 11 and 12 year old children. Up to 20 Muslim men who lived at a nearby refugee center arrived at the public bath. They immediately began to assault the children, ripping their swimsuits off and beating the boys when they tried to stop the assault. Eventually, the men cornered one of the little girls in a grotto in the bathhouse and gang raped her. The police refused to press any charges.
England has probably the most massive Muslim rape and prostitution problem in Europe, in large part because the British government refuses to acknowledge it. Two years ago, the British online paper The Daily Mail reported that hundreds of white British girls were groomed to be used as prostitutes, rape victims, and sex slaves by Muslim men (whom the British media refers to as “Asians”):
Agencies have identified a long-term pattern of offending by gangs of men, predominantly from the British Pakistani community, who have befriended and abused hundreds of vulnerable girls aged 11 to 16.
Of all these social tragedies, perhaps the most widespread and horrific has been the ‘Muslim rape-wave’, also known as the ‘Rape-Jihad’; a phenomenon that has traumatized thousands of European and other non-Muslim women across the European Union."
....while Hillary blames Republicans for some delusional war on women? Are you kidding me?
And Obama and some of the RIU morons are all for helping these "children and orphans"?
The true War on Women is being waged as we speak in the form of child-rape, sexual assault, paedophilia and gangs of Muslim men brutally raping women, in marathon fashion while crowds cheer them on and the press all but ignores.
In December 2011 a Swedish mother-of-two was subjected to a brutal gang-rape by 12 Afghan immigrants in a refugee camp in Mariannelund. Reports stated “The rape was oral, anal and vaginal sometimes with three rapists inside her at the same time while everybody was cheering and clapping. The gruesome rape marathon lasted for 7 hours. 11 suspect may have been involved taking turns while drinking and getting high on drugs. The asylum seekers were cheering and clapping their hands during the rape marathon while calling the victim “whore” and “slut”.”
The woman went into shock while the rapes were still underway, and has since been in a heavily traumatised state. She is now subject to nightmares and panic attacks, and lives in a psychiatric clinic. She is bound to a wheelchair due to damages to her abdomen, and suffers from faecal incontinence.
In the U.K. there has been a steady stream of cases where primarily under- privileged young English girls have been targeted, groomed and raped by gangs of what the British press euphemistically refers to as Asian men. However, the published names of the perpetrators are primarily of Pakistan and Afghanistan origin when the gang rapists appear in court.
According to some of the mothers, a fear of being branded racist makes many of the police and social services reluctant to investigate the crimes as organised and connected. One mother from Rotherham, whose 14-year-old daughter was groomed into prostitution and multiply raped during a 12-month period, told me that almost every man convicted of these crimes in the north of England is from Pakistan but that the authorities insist that it is not relevant.”
In June 2011 a 14-year-old Norwegan girl, Eva Helgetun, committed suicide after being gang-raped by three teenage migrants.
In January 2013 the Local reported a 22-year-old woman was gang-raped by five men in Stockholm, the first of three reported gang-rapes in the city this year. Eight Muslim male teenagers have been arrested on suspicion of aggravated rape in connection with the three incidents.
In March 2013 a British tourist was gang-raped by three Arab men in a Spanish resort.
The list goes on and on – yet this is the culture we are importing into this country: Child and gang rape, clitorectomies, paedophilia and animal behavior. Make no mistake, what we read about these incidents in America are the tip of the iceberg of what’s to come and our press is no better when it comes to shining a light on it.
In Stockholm, Sweden, as many as 20 Muslim men gang-raped an 11-year-old girl. A mother was hosting a birthday party at a public bath/swim center for a group of 11 and 12 year old children. Up to 20 Muslim men who lived at a nearby refugee center arrived at the public bath. They immediately began to assault the children, ripping their swimsuits off and beating the boys when they tried to stop the assault. Eventually, the men cornered one of the little girls in a grotto in the bathhouse and gang raped her. The police refused to press any charges.
England has probably the most massive Muslim rape and prostitution problem in Europe, in large part because the British government refuses to acknowledge it. Two years ago, the British online paper The Daily Mail reported that hundreds of white British girls were groomed to be used as prostitutes, rape victims, and sex slaves by Muslim men (whom the British media refers to as “Asians”):
Agencies have identified a long-term pattern of offending by gangs of men, predominantly from the British Pakistani community, who have befriended and abused hundreds of vulnerable girls aged 11 to 16.
Of all these social tragedies, perhaps the most widespread and horrific has been the ‘Muslim rape-wave’, also known as the ‘Rape-Jihad’; a phenomenon that has traumatized thousands of European and other non-Muslim women across the European Union."
....while Hillary blames Republicans for some delusional war on women? Are you kidding me?
And Obama and some of the RIU morons are all for helping these "children and orphans"?