

I'm sure we've got some musicians here who love to play music as much as growing weed.
I'd love to see what you guys have gear wise and what you're listening to and playing these days.

I'm an old school guitar player. Grew up on classic rock, was fortunate enough to see Zeppelin twice in the 70s, partied backstage with ZZ Top in Dallas, ,hung out and partied with Gregg Allman and Dan Toler one night after a show...

My favorite amps.... You guessed it. Marshall Amplifiers

My favorite guitars.... Gibson Les Paul Std and Specials, Gibson SG, Fender Strats and Teles with P90's and Humbuckers.

My favorite acoustic electrics: Ovation Custom Legend, Gibson Hummingbird my OS 12 string, and a Mandolin.

I've got a few pedal boards and a Marshall Code 100w 2x12 combo amp that is mind boggling.

Logic Pro X DAW software for mixing, recording anything I want.
Novation 49 MIDI controller keyboard that I use to access all the built-in sounds Logic has inside. It's like having dozens of synthesizers at a touch of a button.

Lately, been listening to a lot of Whiskey Myers and Blackberry Smoke.
I first picked up a guitar in 93 and have played pretty consistently since. My biggest problem has been I've been into punk rock. I've spent nearly three decades playing music from bands like nofx and bad religion. Basically, I never pushed myself to actually learn how to play. Even though I've played almost everyday for 27 years.
A few weeks ago I decided I was going to push myself outside my comfort zone. So far I've learned hotel california with the solo (which was surprisingly easy) and sultans of swing....with both solos. Though that second one is a little tricky in a few parts and I sometimes stumble. Either way I've surprised myself with what I've learned so far and looking forward to seeing how far I can take it. Even after 27 years of playing, I didn't realize how weak my fingers were. Since I started bending strings, I've gotten blisters on top of blisters on top of callouses.

As far as gear, not much. I had a les paul menace that was kia in Iraq. Was on a stand when the concussion from a blast knocked it over splitting the neck. It was repaired but never the same.
Currently have a Gibson SG with the min Etune that I've seen a lot of people talk crap on. But I love being able to easily jump around to different tunings.
Amp is a Marshall dsl 40C. No pedals or anything like that. But I want to start getting into that.
I first picked up a guitar in 93 and have played pretty consistently since. My biggest problem has been I've been into punk rock. I've spent nearly three decades playing music from bands like nofx and bad religion. Basically, I never pushed myself to actually learn how to play. Even though I've played almost everyday for 27 years.
A few weeks ago I decided I was going to push myself outside my comfort zone. So far I've learned hotel california with the solo (which was surprisingly easy) and sultans of swing....with both solos. Though that second one is a little tricky in a few parts and I sometimes stumble. Either way I've surprised myself with what I've learned so far and looking forward to seeing how far I can take it. Even after 27 years of playing, I didn't realize how weak my fingers were. Since I started bending strings, I've gotten blisters on top of blisters on top of callouses.

As far as gear, not much. I had a les paul menace that was kia in Iraq. Was on a stand when the concussion from a blast knocked it over splitting the neck. It was repaired but never the same.
Currently have a Gibson SG with the min Etune that I've seen a lot of people talk crap on. But I love being able to easily jump around to different tunings.
Amp is a Marshall dsl 40C. No pedals or anything like that. But I want to start getting into that.

Outstanding man! If you're playing the Eagles AND Dire Straits then you're on the right path! I've found that Money for Nothing take a little finess to get the tone and inflections just right. Hotel Cali is a thing of beauty, my favorite cover for that song is doing the Hell Freezes Over live version. Amazing stuff out of Don and Joe.

Man I had a Cherry 69 SG ORIGINAL and a 59 Les Paul Junior I let get away from me plus countless other premium guitars. (both are in the pic attached).
I had a DSL amp for a while, didn't hate the tone but that combo sure got too hot for my liking.
Best amp I ever had was a Marshall Vintage Modern 50w combo. It killed... Here's a pic of a day in the life of my studio back in TX.


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I think I'll be investing in more gear soon. It's been difficult over the years since I have so many expensive hobbies. And mostly playing punk, I didn't really care that much. Just crank up the distortion as dirty as it gets. I lived by the punk ethos. Don't try too hard. Just have fun. Turns out it's way more fun to actually put in some effort and improve. I've been having more fun over the past few weeks than I have in the last several years of playing. I've noticed every couple days or so I get the fast parts of the 2nd solo on sultans of swing a little faster/smoother. I still don't know if I'll be able to get it perfectly. Honestly it sounds like finger tapping and I'm picking so...?

Side note: I realize I could have attempted to learn some of the harder lead guitar parts in punk music but again, that whole "who cares just have fun" punk attitude controlled my playing for nearly three decades.

Side side note: thinking about what to tackle next. Might try to figure out some Lynyrd Skynyrd
I used to play the Violin and Clarinet back in school. Had an electric guitar at one time but never got to be as good as I was with the clarinet or violin.

A couple years ago I picked up a cheap electric violin and a friend gave me an old crappy amp he had. I forgot how small the neck on a violin actually is and my fat stubby fingers make it hard for me to play so I gave up and it's been sitting ever since.


I've gotten much better with the violin. I'm even playing some old songs from sheet music. I think I can do this. It's all coming back. Just took a little time and frustration. I'm buying a Clarinet. I don't know if I still have the wind but I'm going to give it a try.
I know about the tiny neck you mention on the violin.. I have an acoustic mandolin and it's difficult to go from guitar (especially my 12 string acoustic) and then pickup my mandolin. I wish I played the mandolin better but I'm getting there.
Im producing housey techno tunes! 130-145 bpm. Got a korg minilogue, mpc rennaissance and lately very keen on that tchelicon voice synth. Its perfect for vocal weird drops and build ups! Also for lyrics obviously but theres not much singer in me
Been playing drums since i was 12. That would be 1994-95. Grew up on rock and metal. I’ve played in few lil bands around home here never anything too serious. I mainly just get baked and jam to some pantera,zeppelin,down,ratm,primus and shit like that. Right now I’m rocking a tama superstar classic. Had a dw set but need some funds so now I just got the tama.
No musician yet but trying. In my 20's I wanted to learn to play guitar but worked in a bottleshop and always had band aids on my fingers. Hard to fret when you got cuts. In my 40's I got another guitar and wanted to learn, lost my job so I ended up in college, no money for presents and gave the guitar away to my nephew, MIM Tele. A couple jobs later I was going to build an amp for a friend, picked up another Tele. Skin got sensitized and arm flared up at the edges of the guitar and I could not play it.

Then I found a Peavey Strat copy, found I could play it without too much irritation. Took a cheap guitar and with a hacksaw put in a belly cut and an arm bevel. Fingers are starting to toughen up and I can do a few cowboy chords. So 35 years later learning how to play.

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I'm a professional weekend warrior guitarist of 33 years. In a 4 piece pop rock covers band atm.

Current rig, EVH 5150III 6L6 50 watt 4CM with Fractal Audio FM3, 212 cab loaded with V30 & G12EVH. Guitar is an ESP EII MII.