Mushrooms please help

What kind of mushrooms grow in hawii honululu nd where on the island can I find them. Please I'm sitting in my hotel waiting for a reply


Well-Known Member
i heard that no species of psilocin or psilocibin mushrooms naturally grow in hawaii, but im not from there and dont know for sure check shroomery for mushrooms experts theres a few on here but plenty on there


Well-Known Member
i got some pes hawaii but it is just a strain created by "Pacific Exotic Spores" who was based in hawaii and they even say the strain is not from hawaii at least sporeworks does

i dont think there are cubes naturally in hawaii mabey other species like Panaeolus cyanescens or some wood growing mushies, and again i dont live there just hang out on shroomery and grow my own so i only speak from what ive seen and i know the cubes i grow say hawaii but are only that because there a strain taken from the great PES.. but really go to shroomey and ask people there im sure there plenty of people from hawaii on there


Well-Known Member
this is all i could find doen't mention cubes but two of the five aren't mentioned

In the Hawaiian Islands a number of these psychoactive mushroom species occur naturally, including five which have been identified. The three most common of the identified species of psychoactive fungi in the Hawaiian Islands known to contain psilocybin and/or psilocin are Copelandia cyanescens (Berk. & Br.) Singer, C. tropicalis Olah, and Panaeolus subbalteatus (Berk. & Br.) Sacc. All three of these melanosporous species belong to the family Coprinaceae and are primarily coprophilic, but have been known to occur in grassland areas where manure had previously been deposited.


Well-Known Member
I got all my spores from spores 101. sporevisions which is no longer in buisness...: ( Thats where I got PE SV that is...