mushroom tea


Well-Known Member
I just got a hold of a good amount of shrooms. I've taken them probably 5 times and had good ones every time. I want to make mushroom tea so i'm wondering in other people's experiences is it as potent as just straight eating them? and if so, what way did you make them? thanks


Well-Known Member
Boil the mushrooms for 10 mins or so and mash the shrooms in the water, pour the water through a sieve and make tea with it-simple as that. If you make it very strong you get an almost instant hit on an empty stomach. You may also gag which induces instant tripping also. For 10 years or so I tripped dozens of times each picking season and we used to dry them and powder them, it brought on a very different tripping experience and a much deeper one I found, by that I dont mean stronger. Hard to describe unless you have done it and you will know what im on about.


Well-Known Member
Boil the mushrooms for 10 mins or so and mash the shrooms in the water, pour the water through a sieve and make tea with it-simple as that. If you make it very strong you get an almost instant hit on an empty stomach. You may also gag which induces instant tripping also. For 10 years or so I tripped dozens of times each picking season and we used to dry them and powder them, it brought on a very different tripping experience and a much deeper one I found, by that I dont mean stronger. Hard to describe unless you have done it and you will know what im on about.

Bring a pot of water to a boil. Then you can do one of two things.
1) turn the heat down to a simmer as you add your shrooms otherwise you will kill the 4 active compounds. let the shrooms simmer in the water for 15-20min.
2)pour the boiling water into a mug that has your shrooms inside of it and cover the top so it steeps the shrooms like tea. 15minutes later remove shrooms and drink.

I do the second method.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Joe... don't boil the shrooms. Keep the water below boiling temp to keep from destroying active chemicals. No more than 10 minutes simmering, I often do less.

My personal favorite twist, once you have simmered the shrooms and strained the water, use a hot chocolate mix to make shroom hot chocolate. Tastes much better than shroom tea.

In my experience the come up is faster with tea. I have been to the point of "seeing air", if you know what i mean, in less than 15 minutes with a strong dose of tea and an empty stomach. I also feel that it leaves your system more quickly with tea. I guess I would call it a shorter, but more intense ride.


i used to make gel shots with the shrooms.... doesnt work too well for small quantities; and im not sure about with dried shrooms.... but here is my recipe....

dice shrooms into small pieces... (i usually used about 30-60 caps)
put in pot with just enough water to cover
simmer on a low heat until the shrooms start to cook down
add a bunch of sugar/honey and continue simmering/stirring...
you are finished when it reaches the taste/consistency you desire....

the sugar carmelizes and thickens the mixture, and of course adds a sweet taste... the resulting product looks like mollassas with clumps, and has the same consistency.... also tastes like shroom candy:mrgreen:...

just remember that it cooks down dramatically, so it only takes a tablespoon or two to do the job

if anyone tries this out, let me know how you liked it... all of my friends LOVED it:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member

Bring a pot of water to a boil. Then you can do one of two things.
1) turn the heat down to a simmer as you add your shrooms otherwise you will kill the 4 active compounds. let the shrooms simmer in the water for 15-20min.
2)pour the boiling water into a mug that has your shrooms inside of it and cover the top so it steeps the shrooms like tea. 15minutes later remove shrooms and drink.

I do the second method.
What a load of rubbish having tripped on mushrooms hundreds of times BOILING the hell out of them I can tell you that it kills nothing that matters! Try it, put on The Orb and play tetris while listening to React records Bullfrog remix!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I grind my mushies to a powder with a coffee grinder, boil water and when it's boiling I put it into a mug and wait about a minute for it to cool slightly. Then I put in the mushies and let it sit for 15-20 minutes(I also put in 2-3 tea bags and some sugar). Get another glass and put a coffee strainer in it and slowly pour the mix into the other glass. Once its all in squeeze out any extra juice from the strainer and from the tea bags. Enjoy.

I have heard many things about the destruction of the active ingrediants and heat. Some say that heat just speeds up the oxidation process that kills the psilocybin/psilocin and it starts to break down close to an hour of boiling. I wouldnt doubt this but you dont need to risk it, my way and other ways work. I'd say I get the full if not stronger effects but it does last a smaller amount of time and that is due to the fact that it can be absorbed quicker so it can leave you quicker


Well-Known Member
What a load of rubbish having tripped on mushrooms hundreds of times BOILING the hell out of them I can tell you that it kills nothing that matters! Try it, put on The Orb and play tetris while listening to React records Bullfrog remix!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure you have great trips as well. You must be one of those people that 'hallucinate' from Marijuana.

Psilocybin and psilocin are sensitive to oxidation, with psilocin being particularly sensitive. This process is accelerated at higher temperatures.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you have great trips as well. You must be one of those people that 'hallucinate' from Marijuana.

Psilocybin and psilocin are sensitive to oxidation, with psilocin being particularly sensitive. This process is accelerated at higher temperatures.
Arent you the funny one.....moron. I have tripped more times than you have had hot dinners my book reading friend. Mushrooms in abundance and acid in all forms, sugar cubes, tabs and microdots(flints) never once has weed made me trip. Nearest was after eating an 1/8tyh of hash in a to the floor for hours!!1


Well-Known Member
Arent you the funny one.....moron. I have tripped more times than you have had hot dinners my book reading friend. Mushrooms in abundance and acid in all forms, sugar cubes, tabs and microdots(flints) never once has weed made me trip. Nearest was after eating an 1/8tyh of hash in a to the floor for hours!!1
Thanks I thought it was funny as well:mrgreen:

Although your assumption is not very close to reality at all.
Yes I do read books.
I have also tripped well over 1000 times.
I have probably tripped on shrooms 200-300 of those times.

I am glad you think you know but your instructions tell me otherwise. Follow mine and you will not waist any of your shrooms.