Mushroom Farmer Attempts Green

After spending years honing my mushroom farming knowledge, BGH.jpg I have decided to trade my white thumb for a greener shade. I dont have the money for seeds, nor do I trust seedbanks/brokers yet, so Im using bagseed. My goal is 1lb from 4 plants. I have manure a-plenty, and am thinking a horse manure/soil/peat/perlite/vermiculite/lime mix, and a whole fish in a depth of 3ft.
I germinated my seeds in bottled drinking water until I noticed a taproot, which I planted tip down in Jiffy pellets. Once I noticed a taproot emerge from those, I transferred the pellets to cups, with a mix of 1/2 yard dirt (very rich and full o' worms), and vermiculite. Last night, I introduced some LST, Caveman Style.
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After a few days, before I had my CFL, my seedlings grew about 4 inches before transplant to cups. I buried most of the stem at that time, and hope to god some roots grow from the stem. I have been feeding since week 2 with Sugar Daddy and Root 66 at 1/2 strength. I gave 1 foliar feeding with Thrive Alive B1 Red. Up until now, I have had them under an unknown output CFL at night for first week, working my way from windowsill during day to partial shade. I wonder if an application of rooting/cloning gel will help...
I learned it from an Aussie farmer here. He used a manure mix/alongside a fish in a deep hole. Grew the biggest bush I ever seen. The easiest fish to catch near the future growsite are hand sized bluegill. Soooo, figure 1 per plant, in a 3ftX3ft hole.
Its gonna take a couple weeks for my fish to be ready. Ill have to catch enough to fill a gallon jug. Mix with 1 1/3cups of mollases to help with decomp and enzyme activity. Stir every day for 2 weeks in a lidded bucket. Foaming indicates fermentation/decomposition, and is a good sign. Strain liquid into a jug and save, plant the fish solids with the plant. Poke a hole in jug to allow gas exchange, and save. You my friend, have homemade liquid fish, lol.
My goal is to only have to supplement the soil, not FEED it. And Im gonna try to be organic as much as possible. Im from Cave Country, so Ive heard alot from old timers that used nothing but manure and gravel in buckets. And using fish is nothing new to me. My ancestors taught the Euros this neat little trick ;)


Active Member
I like hydro and chemicals, so much faster and can be automated so ya dont have to even look at em for weeks!

But I may try some "fish soup" in a bubble pot with some poo's in my next big setup!
I plan on going hydro in the future when I can afford it. But for now, its fun in the sun. As for the fish water, I dont want to imagine the smell indoor, lol.


Active Member
lol, I plan on using a serious setup next, 50 plants under 4x600w hps with home made organic feed in bubble pots! Smell wont be a problem with carbon filters, ozone generator and loads a smelly spray, So I will defantaly chuck some old fish in! Is any fish good or only some??
I cant say. I have heard it doesnt matter whether fresh or saltwater fish. As far as manure, I see many people say nay, but I dont see why you cant use it fresh, provided its at least been flushed. Mushrooms enjoy similar PH, and I have used fresh for those. Im just gonna have to try it. Then, my N should be good thru most, if not all the season, only supplementing with ferts if needed. IDK, much researching to do...


Active Member
ahhh, its always nice to see little babys lovin the sun!

Whats with the straws? is that so ya can share ya fish soup with the plants, lol
lol no, its me playing with LST. I wanna make em grow in a spiral. I DID notice some root tips coming out the bottom. I REALLY hope they can make it to the weekend before transplanting...


Well-Known Member
good luck.

i went shroom to bud as well, its a dif game. i found there is more money and less work in cubes, but its just as fun
Yes, mushrooms ARE cheap AND easy to grow, but there is a lack of good bud in my parts, thanks to swine. I sure love a new hobby, lol.
Today was transplant day!!! One of our 2 stars is really looking bad. Margin rolling on newest growth, with a greenish yellow tint on the bottom leaves.There are also a couple of red spots about the size of pencil lead on one of the leaves. I believe its the PH. All I could afford was a cheap prod type PH tester, which says Im at 7. It could also be over watering. I just got me a moisture tester, and today, 2 days after watering, they were high, barely in the "moist" area. But, the other, from the same strain, looks good. I dont get it. Now, when I transferred, I noticed the roots just went down the sides, and wasnt spiraled.

I transferred using Miracle Grow Organic Choice Potting Soil

Ingredients: Formulated from 50-55% composted bark, sphagnum peat moss, pasteurized poultry litter, and an organic wetting agent. (Nitrogen 0.10%, Phosphate 0.05%, Soluble Potash 0.05% -- Note: This product contains 0.097% slowly available nitrogen. (I added perlite) Before filling with my mix, I added a couple inches of creek rock for drainage.

After transplanting, I fed them 10ml each of Root 66 and Sugar Daddy in a gallon of chlorine evaporated tap water. I then let them sit until just a few minutes ago outside, where they were exposed to a nice storm :) The drooping is due to it being night me thinks. Anyways, here are the pics of the healthy one, along with seedlings. I couldve swore I took pics of the sickly one, but when I went to upload, they were gone. So Ill post pics of it tomorrow.

Before transplanting


And just now

And my ghetto rig (with only one bulb on so I could take a pic, lol)


Active Member
love the grow box, minimalism style. all that ya need!

ya doing well m8, bad to here that one got sick. I do feel sometimes they just "get ill" as I have all mine together and just 1 will get some red spots etc, yet they all get treated the same... strange aint it!