Multiple Flush?? GHS method


So I have been watching the Green house seeds co growing session video. And what they say to do is flush the plant with a low EC 1.3 and then dry the plant out for five days and then water with a high EC 1.8 in order to shock the plant get maximum yields..

Has anyone tried this method????

Thanks for any info, I'm a First time grower.


Well-Known Member
ive seen them vids to. umm not a big fan tbh watch the ww vid for an epic fail. but remember there grows have been dialed in over years and years. also its about giving the plant extended dry time for the roots to have a good old breath. which is crucial as u know and tricking it into thinking its dry season a bit like one of the things what pk13/14 does and makes it go into like a panic stations for flower production. u could try to fit it and dial it in to youre op. i just use oxygenated water and always leave at least one dry day in watering/feed schedule for flowering, this works just as well imo


Yea I think I will try the method on a couple of the strains and compare the results...also thanks for the tip on the oxygenated water smart idea im going to try that as well