multi light cooling and exhaust ?...


Well-Known Member
i'm going from a 1000 watt hps to a dual 1000 hps..

i will exhaust with a 6" inline and venting outside the room with the sallasts outside the grow areas....

I also run a co2 system, so i dont want the exhaust and fans running at the same time....

temp control may be an issue that i haven't had to deal with in the past..

the room is a spare bedroom 12'x10' with an 8' cieling..

i will run 2 3x3 ebb and flow tables with 2 1x3' trays flanking both 3x3's..

I am sure there are many here with similar setups..... what do you do? air conditioning (i can put a small window unit in if necessary)...

thanks much...


Well-Known Member
ive got the same decision if u look at my thread what would u do in grow room,also liked your thread about buthead remarks so im gonna see if anybody helps you.are you at this time using the trays under 1 1000hps? the 3by3s im trying to figure out 2x 600.heck i realy am confused i have a 400hps with the eye bulb and thinking of getting a tray for my moms i need atleast 5 moms to take 4 large cuttings every 2 weeks trying do 16 at a time and 4 starts every 2 many plants u think u can sog in a 3by3 tray???GL REEFCOUPLE ALSO AT THIS TIME I HAVE 900 WATTS of cfls and the 400 and have to run the window a/c full blast i live in texas and its been over 100 for about 3 weeks my high temp is 83 and low 65 in my grow room lost almost all my plants while on vacation due to power failure only saved 1 ak47 just started flowering it and some bc bigbud and white skunk.
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Well-Known Member
yeah somebeech you and i are running a very similar set up!!

currently i am running 1 3x3 (9 plants) and on each side i have a 1x3 (3 plants on each side) under the main table (3x3) i have a 40 gallon rez supplting all 3 trays...

and i use 1 1000 hps for those trays..... Thats my bloom station

I have a 25 site cloner and 1 4x2' HO T5 light

1 16 site aero for my veg station and another 4x2' HO T5 light

I want to double my bloom station exactly what i have, i just bough another ballast today...

but before i do that i need to figure out my lighting/exhaust/fan-cooling & co2, because what i have now works, if i double it it will get too warm in there....

sooo sorry to hear about the loss of your plants, that is a huge bummer!!!!!!!!!!!!

as i study more on this i will keep ya posted..... i may end up installing a small window unit air conditioner???


Well-Known Member
u say 9 planys are they cuttings and are you doing sog?? is that the max on the 3by3 9 plants?trying to do the math on a 3 plant rotation every 2 weeks 15 plants now i need to find best system to flower 15 plants and harvest 3 plants every 2 weeks?thanks reef couple yea that was a bummer ive had the ak for 3 yrs now and lost some strains ive had for almost 5 yrs.


Well-Known Member
I essentialy run a SOG per say and harvest every 2 months, i am pondering the idea of running the 2 systems (staggering) so i harvest every month??? Some people plant even more in that space than i do, i think i am too cramped now sometimes with 15....

Are you going to start a new strain??

I have grown soo many strains now and have recently decided my new favorite strain to grow is Mazar.. Easy to grow, great yields and wooooo it packs a punch ;) 20% THC approximately


Well-Known Member
well being 1 for 6 with orders this year im not gonna order anymore so right now im stuck with ak47, bc big bud,white skunk,and white widow.i have a sativa thats grows so damn fast i would like to sexit with the ak just to see if i can make my own strain.i grow just for the fun of it and a few christmas presents but have a bad habit of giving too much away and being out thats gonna stop now that ive lost all my moms,so reef u got 15 in that tray that would be great thats what i want to do kinda like ALB FUCT get a harvest every 2 weeks.shooting for 3 to 4 plants every 2 weeks and 1.5 to 2 oz every 2 weeks probly should get the 4by4 tray with 1000hps but damn thats alot so ill probly just use the 600 for it hell i dont really know yet,just got my electric bill and it was 400 bucks but thats great being i have a 2000 sq ft house,i own a hvac business and have 16 SEER HEAT PUMP SO THAT really helps.:confused:


Well-Known Member
water cooling is real expensive. Seal the lights and vent them seperate. If you run co2 seal the room and run ac. Alot more control over everything.


Well-Known Member
Are you using a 120$ inline or a 6" inline duct booster (30$)

A huge thing you can do is go the extra few $$$ and get insulated 6 or 8in ducting. The ducting becomes a major release of heat as it moves the hot air out of the room, insulating my tubes dropped my temps 4 degrees off max.

Consider insulating the tops of the hoods as well.

Remember that you should keep your light venting sealed from you grow room air, have a separate intake and a separate exhaust (it wont carry any odor if your lights are sealed) this will form a closed system where you can turn off your main intake and exhaust for grow room air while you cycle C02. With a window unit air conditioner you will be recirculating the air and keeping it cool, a perfect c02 situation.


Well-Known Member
i have to agree buy cool tube hoods and insulated ducting .
his keeps your lighting cooling system completly independant and sealed from the rest of your room allowing you to continue cooling your lights while your c02 is running.
and the cool tubes alone will drop your temps considerably allowing you to run AC half or more less than without the cool tubes