Multi deficiencies ?


New Member
Ok so under 8 25 watt 1500 lum 6500k CFls about 3 " away. Temps are good also have a fan door is open pretty much all day. About a month old growing in coco. Using house and garden a and b 5 ml each per gallon with .ml root excel and 5 ml cal mag per gallon.. Feed daily with 20% ish run off. I'm thinking there is too much nitrogen.. As some plants are very dark. Getting digital ph meter this weekend as I think this could be the issue but I do keep the drop test around where they say is 5.8 know it's not perfectly accurate.



Well-Known Member
Are you getting enough runoff each feeding to prevent salt buildup?

Water heavily, wait for medium to dry before repeating.

Testing runoff ph can give an idea what's going on.

Tap water often causes ph to gradually rise.