Muddy Terrain Grow??

i have a place near me where it generally stays muddy for most of the summer, making it less likely to deal with deer and people of course. Threre are very few large trees that will block much of the sun. What im wondering is if anyone has tried this kind of grow before and had any success. I realize i have to grow in pots is im gonna grow there at all, i want to use smart pots as i might help wick some of that moisture us without saturating the soil. Just wanted to hear from people who have done this kind of grow before??


Active Member
alright man, im trying it also but its been raining quite bad lately and splashed lots of soil/mud all over the plants which aint nice.. then it dries and stays on the plants but i grow in ground.. i'm sure if you grow in a tall smart pot you should be fine!
if anybody has any tips on getting rid of the dried dirt it would be appreciated :P
As for your problem i would think u might have to leave it for the rain to wash it off, maybe u could put some mulch around the plants to help stop the mud from splashing up


Active Member
yeh it jus kinda sticks to the stem/leaves its only that 1 plant ha, tbf i havent really looked after it that well as it was a bag seed, its like 1 month old?
and yeah thx for tha tip bout mulch br0!


Well-Known Member
I've seen someone put a full plant in a stream of water and it flourished for it's entire grow. I couldnt believe it. The bottom was cut out and the plant was in a couple 5 gallon buckets put together so the top of the root system had plenty of oxygen and the bottom just brought in water. Never had to water it. I thought for sure it would have root rot but it never did. I wish I had documentation of thus wonderful odd grow. Has anyone ever heard of this?


Well-Known Member
was it that guy whose plant almosr got busted ina cornfield and he popped it into the stream?


do a swamp tube grow. they work great and you can leave them out there and use em year after year. just google swamp tube grow and you'll find a gang of info