Moving to FL...need some advice please!!!!!

brandonious maximus

Active Member
ok, thinking about moving to the central FL area, wondering if anyone has some experience growing outdoors in this area. just would like some advice on a good seed choice, and an aproximate planting and harvest time for said strain in that general latitude.also any good tricks for FL crappy soil.Any help would be rad....thanks!!!!!!! fire it up!!:joint:
planting outdoors in florida can get difficult

but there is a simple solution and it also deppends on what kind of strain you are trying to grow
here is a list of what i used while living in tampa
a five gallon bucket for each plant
:blue cascade gravel
:white sand
:ferguson top soil
:a lot of miracle grow
okay now drill about four 1/8in holes in the bottom of your buckets
next add about three to four pounds of gravel into each bucket
next fill the bucket half full with the sand
next fill the buckets up with the soil

okay now find a remote area where your plant get plenty of direct sunlight
dig holes so the buckets will be directly even with the ground

but you should at least wait untill your plants are about 2-1/2 months
before you transplant them so the roots can sprout good before they are outdoors

me and my brother did this about two years ago when i lived in tampa
and it was the most potent outdoor weed i have ever smoked in my life

well good luck and happy harvesting
a good seed choice for this would be EARLY GIRL
and the best time to start the cycle is around febuary and harvest should come in august or early september
well the only advice that i can give is florida huh well be extremly carfull cause u.s laws are not the same as canada :joint: especially in florida BUSH turf lololo:hump:
I live in CFL and there tends to be clay about a foot down. Clay is bad for many reasons so i've heard. Keep your plants away from that and also watch out for flooding. It rains like a bitch during the summer!