Moving inside plants outdoors


Hey all its my first year starting my girls indoors first then moving outdoor, I currently have 5 girls all about 12-16 inches tall, I have toped 4 and I'm lsting, I have them under 24 hours of light at the moment and wasn't sure if I should slowly reduce the light cycle so it's closer to the light cycle out side( I live in upstate new York so days never get to long close to 14/10 when I wanted to put out) or should I leave them on 24 hours of light and then just put them out and hope they relize the days are getting longer, I have always started out side so u have never had this problem. Help


Well-Known Member
I would transition them...slowly start cutting your light back until you are at 16-17 hours..That;'s about what you'll be at late May..But you can probably safely put them outdoors a little eralier than that. 30 minutes to an hour difference probably won't trigger flowering, but going from 24 hours to 14 most likely will.

I'm in Oregon 45th parallel and I plant my indoor plants outdoor Mid-May and I start to cut my indoor light two weeks before going outdoors and still tranistion my girls for about 3-5 days before going into the ground. (done it this way for three years with great results)


Thanks, by the end of may they will be 3 monthes veg already, so I'm hoping for some bigg girls

And where I'm at the longest day of the year is only 15 hours and 17 mins