Moving From Sun to Lights?


Active Member
Since the Sunshine is just barely over 12 hours of light i heard if you move plants from outside to under lights to out side again to achieve a 18-6 schedule you can cause plants that would be female into male due to stress is there any fact in this? Thanks for the help


Active Member
If the light absorbed works in lumen's Then i would think as the sun goes down then the lumens decreases and the lights using are a little less then the normal sun which from what i have read on a sunny day is around 10000 per squarefoot so wouldn't the lights just act like less sunny in the afternoon for longer..?


Active Member
Here is some pictures of them i am putting those under light after dusk until 11 and then i have another 6 same seed batch sitting just outside we shall see what happens i would love input on any others that have knowledge about this though...This is day 10



Active Member
Would the best thing to do when i switch away from the lights all together be wine them into less light every night until i just leave them outdoors 100%? I want to cause as little shock to them as possible


Active Member
Well not sure if anyone really cares but whinned them off lights 1 hour less lights 30 mins more sunlight sine the season is finally here and no they are out doors all night for the first night they are looking so heathy and growing fast