Moving from Outdoor To Indoor?

Okay so I got my seeds, and I got excited:hump:, germinated a few...2 babies are outside in my mini greenhouse, and 1 baby is inside under CFL.
The 2 outside are doing great, the one inside is retarded; but I accept the retardation as it's been more of an experiment than the other's just a little slow to grow and had a bit of a bug issue after it sprouted.
Nevertheless, it's going to get pretty cool soon and I would expect the first frost in the next 6 weeks or so - when should I move them indoors, or should I even bother moving them indoors and just see how they deal with the mini greenhouse outside (it's a 3 shelf thinger with a clear vinyl tent on it)? They are in the sunniest part of the yard...which will be sunnier once the Maple tree drops it's leaves.
I'm in BC/Vancouver so we have mild temps...the seeds were an "outdoor mix".
Any advice, suggestions are much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
If they are in containers you can enjoy the best of both worlds. You can bring the babies inside when the weather is bad and put them outside when the weather is agreeable to them. Using this combination you can grow year round using the sun for the most part and lights to supplement or a dark room to flower when the days are getting longer. Been doing this now for about two years with great success, but it is a schedule once started you must be strict in keeping. Living in Costa Rica up in the mountains we have much of the same weather that you do along the coast with mild wet stormy conditions. Good Luck with this and don't be afraid to try a few different methods it took me a couple of trial and errors to arrive at my current method and I am still looking at how to improve it.
Happy Growing