Mother Plant taken after One week of Flowering

If I have taken a plant that was one week into flowering, slightly showing preflowers and reverted it back into Vegetative to keep as a mother plant do I risk the plant become a hermaphrodite? I wanted to take a mother plant earlier, but didn't know which plants were male or female so I waited until it showed two white pistils and pulled it and put in under 18/6 again. It has been weeks now and it has not reverted completely yet, but the plant looks very healthy. It still has white pistils at the nodes though. Is it too late to take a clone from it and try to grow that as a mother plant. I have been reading a lot that reverting to veg growth stresses the plant and will make it turn into a hemophrodite and the clones will also be part male. Should I be worried.


Well-Known Member
Clone away.

Oh, and that won't cause it to hermie. A lot of hype goes into how easy it is to make a plant herm out, but it's a lot harder than they let on.

grow space

Well-Known Member
You should be fine..Keep a strict lighting schedule on your 18/8 or 20/4...
It does just take some time, so be calm....
When its re-vegged and growing finely in vegg, then you should get as many of cuttings as you desire....

smoke on...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie...:mrgreen:..


Well-Known Member
Your plant should be fine as a mother the few pistols will eventually die off and the plant will continue to grow as a veg in about a week. The chance of it becoming a hermaphrodite is very slim since you got it early. Most of the time people cut clones and flower them to see what the mother is before it goes into flower. So try and do that next time.


Well-Known Member
I did the same thing this yr vegged then switch to 12/12 til i saw preflower, and then switched back to veg and took clones.. no hermies


Active Member
Your plant should be fine as a mother the few pistols will eventually die off and the plant will continue to grow as a veg in about a week. The chance of it becoming a hermaphrodite is very slim since you got it early. Most of the time people cut clones and flower them to see what the mother is before it goes into flower. So try and do that next time.
that's a great way to do it