Most visual strains


Well-Known Member
Im starting a new grow and would like some recomendations on strains.

What im looking for is a strain with alot of visual effects because when i was a young smoker i felt like i was actually tripping off the weed. Now days it just makes me relax. Any reviews for Barney's LSD or similar strains would be appretiated.


Well-Known Member
Im starting a new grow and would like some recomendations on strains.

What im looking for is a strain with alot of visual effects because when i was a young smoker i felt like i was actually tripping off the weed. Now days it just makes me relax. Any reviews for Barney's LSD or similar strains would be appretiated.
i used to hallucinate when i started smoking , I quit a few times and still never got as high as i did when i started. Id try making or getting some edibles and or hash for the stronger high. . also i think LSD is lemon sour diesel i heard it is very good smoke. Also i just harvested some kushadellic it was very tasty,sticky, and gets me very High