Most expensive sound


Well-Known Member

I'm short about 900ish dollars for it.

Next few paychecks I get, I'm ordering this.

I can see it now; Home from a days work, sit in my recliner, have some good food, grab my estate pipe, fill it with cherry tobac with some ganja, put these babies on and die in audio bliss.

It's really expensive, but worth more of the investment than a car, camera or big screen television. - I might as well treat myself, and baby, this is going to be a treat.

btw, I'm getting both pieces, NOT just the headphones.

alltogeather about a $10000 purchase. I threw up a bunch coming to the decision of spending that much money at once. (I'm the most frugal bastard I know besides one or two bastards.) Spending money actually hurts me.


Active Member
Holy crap thats are expensive I can buy a sick serious tube amp and bad ass ax for that price


Well-Known Member
I'm a listener, not a creator.

Well, that's not entirely true. I fuck around a lot with Dj'ing shit. Don't own any equipment of my own unfortunately as of yet, but I get to screw around a decent amount with a mixer and what not. - No production as of yet with programs like FL or ableton. Mostly just Virtual Djing with Traktor. I feel you though, it's hella money I'm tossing for what appears to be just headphones and some extra machinery. I won't be buying these unless theres some fucking ungodly warranty and thirty day money back guarantee.

Since I have to order them and what not, I need to make sure this shit is as good as the 100's of reviews say they are. - Been described more than not as an 'Audiogasm.' I want one too lol..

Sit in a dark room on my bed, some mdma and shrooms and a few grams of weed and just die all night from pleasure. Ahhh, I'm drooling on my keyboard.


Well-Known Member
haha- I see I see, you got me all excited there. A bit jealous too, sad to say on my part but I'm kind of happy you don't own a pair. lol, I shall be the first person I have any social connection to what so ever to experience it. : P
I'll probably post in this thread a few months from now saying I got it.
If from that point I don't come back, you know where I died.


Well-Known Member
haha- I see I see, you got me all excited there. A bit jealous too, sad to say on my part but I'm kind of happy you don't own a pair. lol, I shall be the first person I have any social connection to what so ever to experience it. : P
I'll probably post in this thread a few months from now saying I got it.
If from that point I don't come back, you know where I died.
I can hear phill collins playing " I can feel it, coming in the air tonight" lol


Well-Known Member
Somewhat, time fabric modifier. Simply negates the 4th dimension for me.
With it I exist in all that is was and will be time.
Pretty worth it for 10k.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Somewhat, time fabric modifier. Simply negates the 4th dimension for me.
With it I exist in all that is was and will be time.
Pretty worth it for 10k.
Oh just wait 'till your dog or cat or whatever chews through the wire.

I had a $150 pair of headphones and I wanted to kill my cat. Still got them sitting around I'm going to repair them 'one of these days.' ha ha


Well-Known Member
Oh just wait 'till your dog or cat or whatever chews through the wire.

I had a $150 pair of headphones and I wanted to kill my cat. Still got them sitting around I'm going to repair them 'one of these days.' ha ha
I don't own a pet. Last pet I owned as a lobster. Only lasted a year before I ate him - Oh sprinkles, how I miss your delicious taste.

These babies won't be used for simple computer playlisting.

I'm going to put it in the living room in a nice wooden holder with a fiberglass casing to protect it, and I'll have the cord be retractable *easy to do* So it's not laying all over the place. I'll just have it feed into another computer that connects to my music over the network.

Fuck any chances man, this is a lot of money. I'm already practically spewing from the fact that Iv'e made the decision to buy them. Do you know how a frugal bitch like me'd feel if they 'broke' ?? I'd die! lol.


Well-Known Member
I just love the intense 'I feel fucking fabulous rocking out' expression the guy in the gorilla costume keeps for the whole thing.
I couldn't help, but at the very least smile in the most minor parts of my laughter.