most efficient way of making hash


Active Member
hello felow humans or pot head aliens,
next year i plan on making some hash, im growing 9 different strains specificaly for making hash but i want to know what the best way to do this,
i want to capture the different flavors and different highs,
i want the cheapest, easiest and most efficient way of doing this, where talking aprox 2-3kgs of bud.
thank you humans or pot head aliens (you know who you are)
if you wish to know the strains ill post back ASAP
Volatile solvent extraction

A volatile solvent extraction is the simplest method of chemical extraction since it involves simple equipment and solvents that are liquids at room temperature, but low boiling points. Good choices for solvents are alcohols and fine petroleum distillates (EG 99% isopropyl alcohol, 95% ethyl alcohol, and white gas), ketones tend to redux with the cannibinoids, and naphia and heavier solvents are too hard to drive off. Pick a solvent that boils at less than 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and exhibits non-polar tendencies.

Soak your dry weed in the solvent for a few hours to a couple of days, the longer you soak it the more trash comes with the solvent. Then separate the solvent and evaporate. The left over gum is chemically extracted hash. Typically it tends to have a green/black color because most solvent also dissolve plant waxes and chlorophyll, as well as cannibinoids. This green oil can be cleaned from dark green -> light green -> red -> amber using an activated carbon filter on the solution before evaporation. Just fill a tube or funnel with activated carbon (fish tanks, air filters) and run the juice through it. If allowed to soak in ethyl alcohol (usually vodka) and left diluted the green solution is usually refereed to as green dragon, and is drank for some intense effects.
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cool but i dont like the idea of solvent hash i meant like the brown brick kind of hash just becuase i love the taste andthe high, plus its traditional which is also a bonus
but thanks fr the answer very interesting.
I paid $50 for a setof 8 5-gallon bags for making ice hash. The bags require you to scrape the residue from the bottom screen of a series of bags.
You are able to scoop up a couple tablespoons of syrupy slag you have to dry with paper towels. I could find no way to use the bags as they were
intended and not lose 80-90% of the golden liquid.

I beat my close trim for 6-8 minutes in ice water. Instead of straining it through the bags I pour 2 oz. onto a large flat glass microwave plate and
place under a fan. Next day I'll have a nice little pile of golden hash dust. Stuff is so light you can't slam a door 8 feet away without losing some.
It's like baby powder it's that fine. In fact much of the dust fell through he screen when I tried burning some in my regular pot pipe. Now I use the
dust on top of a new bowl of pot. Put some in a tiny antique silver salt shaker and dust a bowl when I get the urge.

Yes butane might be easy but with bubble bags it just takes practice to get the "bubble" hash. Must clean screens with alcohol before every batch. And if done right it'll be as strong and used only water.
You should probally do all kinds till u know what's ur fav
Look into a washer machine with that kinda wieght.
Bubble bags work very well they produce delicious hash especially those with many bags in the kit you will be able to experiment all the different & sub-till variation hash as to offer by separating all the different size of gland & smoking them separately But this method is way more time consuming than using a solvent & also for the same amount of bud it will yield only 40% of what you can extract with a solvent so for my part i would rarely use it. But being a hash enthusiast for 35 years now I will certainly never discard this method as i enjoy basically every hash recipe i know. If not productive bubble hash is the healthiest method there is.
This would be my 5 favorites list in order

1-scissor hash : the most delicious of all

2-Finger Hash : a big mess but delicious as well

3-Kief : extracted with a tumbler a balance between productivity & taste, DIY plan available all over the net

4-Bubble bag extraction : delicious although you loose some of the taste due to contact with water + this method can be use to make healthy hash out of moldy or over-fertilized bud the water will clean the shit away

5-Solvent extraction : By far the most productive + no mess + very easy to achieve excellent result + the product is recognize all around as hash cause it resemble all the commercial stuff available. The others product are more like growers treats, some idiots will question if they're realy hash
I will never insist enough : You will need to be in a well ventilated place to perform The solvent extraction method you want to avoid you place looking like this :

I used to use ice, water, and a blender. Then I started turning my leaves into butter. But, if you want to make hash, get your leaves/bud/whatever very dry. Throw it in a blender with water and ice. Blend until frothy. Then, you have to put all the liquid you've blended into a big jug and let it sit for a few hours. After sitting, you should notice a thick tan sludge on the bottom of your jug. That's hash. delicately drain off the water, leaving the hash at the bottom of the jug. when most of the water has been drained off, pour the remaining solution through coffee filters. the liquid will pass through the hash will remain. Initially it will be greenish, but will turn amber when it dries.

This probably isn't the most effective way of making hash but it absolutely works. I used to get a golf ball size or better chunk of hash off of just the leftovers from 3 or 4 plants.
Bubble bags are my favorite way, although I haven't tried BHO(butane hash oil) because it seems dangerous lol. Of course a bit of finger hash or scissor hash is sweet too but that'll come pretty much naturally and its hard to get a lot. Making bubble hash is pretty straight forward, even tho it takes awhile. It's kind of fun. There's not much stuff better than the feeling of pulling up your 73 micron bag and seeing a good amount of golden greatness. I'd go with a 7 bag kit from VirtualSun, I have a 5 bag kit but I wouldn't mind having a 45micron and no longer using the 25(it takes too long to drain most of the time) and a 90micron bag would give me some more quality control if I had one.

Plus you can use the bags for extracting kief with dry ice, would also be a pretty good extraction method. you can press it but no need really.

Reading in this thread though, what geronimo said is interesting. saying you only get 40% of the yield from bubble as compared to BHO. So if you can achieve a good method of doing BHO SAFELY, It might be a better idea as long as you get proper purging. For quality control it would be pretty much the best way to go. Be sure to purge it right, no matter what lol.
Supercritical fluid extraction with butane (although I think some people use CO2) is quite easy to perform, leaves virtually nothing but pure cannabinoids behind and is also probably the quickest method. A friend of mine smokes the 'earl almost exclusively, with a hot-plate and inverted spoon rig. Nothing gets you higher, faster.

The secret is to use the highest-quality butane you can find. Butane boils at room temperature, so let it drip into a glass pan and wait until the butane looks like it has mostly evaporated. Purge the remaining butane by placing the pan into another that contains hot or near-boiling water. You'll be left with a hardened, viscous, golden-amber 'oil'.
google making BHO, you will find a setup using a turkey baster available at Bed Bath and Beyond, a coffee filter and butane (Vector 5x is the only choice for taste), couldn't be easier and will run under 20 bucks, I believe i read the turkey baster can take about 7gram ground up, you should be able to get 1 - 1.5g of ear wax, a little dab will do ya!!