most colorful cannabis strain?


Well-Known Member
let's assume the temperatures will be dropped during mid-late flowering in order to bring out the most color possible. what strain do y'all believe to be the most colorful/have the best bag appeal?

double bubbleberry has caught my attention:

^ might be photoshopped, but i believe the link above contains real pictures of bubbleberry.

so what y'all think? anyone grown some exotic looking buds?


Well-Known Member
i don't know the strains but these look amazing


Well-Known Member
will watch that video when i'm back home, gotta head out now. really wanna have a strain name attached to pics/videos though.

nice buds. i'm less into purple and more into exoctic colors though. purple was never really my thing. the blues, reds, etc. are what prompted this thread. nevertheless, beautiful plants!


Well-Known Member
does anyone have the explanation for why lower temperatures bring the color out of marijuana? i read it a while ago but seem to have forgotten.

Sacher Wilson

New Member
Bubba OG gets dark dark purple here in the mountains during summer time, usually it's dark red, and get's the black looking purple. But then again.. There's The Mauve, it grows basically every color of the rainbow. Red, blue, yellow, green, purple, pink, orange, you get the picture. Basically every stoners dream, the rainbow weed. Yes, it does exist by the way, my bud has seed in his storage.


Well-Known Member
Dont think the cam caught it right but it had a faint pink tinge to it, first time ive seen pink. Wish id made it cooler a bit longer...