Morning Glory VS. LSD


Well-Known Member
I have done LSD probably over 30 times and loved it every time. Recently I am un able to get ahold of any more LSD and have always known about morning glory seeds and LSA.

Anyone have any personal experience with morning glory seeds compared to LSD? did you have similar effects? feel about the same? I just want some basic info on peoples experiences. and most of all did you like morning glory seed trip?



Active Member
lsd is lsd and morning glory is morning glory they are there own drug eat shrooms there probly more intense then acid if u ask me check out that has everything ull ever need to know about drugs i had a buddy and he stole a bunch of morning glory seeds from walmart and he ate like 20 of them and he had a seizure it was fucked up hahaha

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I've done a lot of LSD and I've done morning glory seeds once. First off I looked on erowid and did more than they say to do at the high end. I chewed them up and I'd suggest grinding and making a drink cause they are fucking nasty:spew: It is hard to handle and I can usually easily handle anything taste wise. I didnt like the trip much, i just felt really drunk and had slow like waving of color visuals and some others that were mostly just things flowing like water and oils. The high was pretty much just a drunk, and really out of it, I wish I could have enjoyed it better but I just didnt think it was that fun/powerful and I ate a lot. I love LSD and yes shrooms are stronger, you just have to eat enough mushrooms ie. (10-14g dry of strong mushies)


Active Member
lol i dunno ive always recieved my shrooms from siccamouse b.c maybe ill eat 10 grams throughout the night but i only eat like 2 grams at a time and then eat 2 more when im comfortable i lilke to be in controll not the otherway around lol even 2 grams is more intense then acid in my opinion lsd=no fear !!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I love LSD and yes shrooms are stronger, you just have to eat enough mushrooms ie. (10-14g dry of strong mushies)
I do not understand this statement. LSD-25 is measured in ug 1/1,000,000 of a gram... the average hit is in the vecinity of 50ug where as mushrooms are measured in grams... and most people have to take over a gram to get a good trip. Take a gram of LSD and tell me mushrooms are stronger.

EDIT: who the fuck eats 14 grams? Nothing like dishing out like $200 for a fucking trip.. when you could get a couple hits of acid.


Well-Known Member
whoever says LSD is stronger than shrooms doesnt know what there talking about, or has had shitty acid.

LSD is completely different, and much more intense. Cant even describe what its like.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I read up about this alot on erowid, and some of my friends tried it, One of them tried like 3 different ways.

none of them had anything really great to say about it, doesn't come close to an acid trip unless you do a serious LSA extraction.


Active Member
you would be an idiot if u ate a gram of lsd obviously you would be fucked up for life but if u eat 2 grams of shrooms or one tab of acid the shrooms would give u a better chance of having a bad trip then the acid


Oracle of Hallucinogens
you would be an idiot if u ate a gram of lsd obviously you would be fucked up for life but if u eat 2 grams of shrooms or one tab of acid the shrooms would give u a better chance of having a bad trip then the acid
I understand that 1 gram of LSD would be retarded. But please, take it in context. 1g shrooms vs 1g LSD.

One tab? It's hard to say how much 1 tab has on it, where as 2g's of shrooms is garunteed to fuck you up.

1 tab of LSD is only like 50 micrograms (in my area). Granted, a 150ug tab would be more strong than shrooms (3 tabs in my area).


Well-Known Member
I tried morning glory seeds...just made me feel extremely nauseous and sick. Saw faint visuals, but wouldn't even compare it to LSD. Personally I wouldn't waste my time with morning glory again.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I tried morning glory seeds...just made me feel extremely nauseous and sick. Saw faint visuals, but wouldn't even compare it to LSD. Personally I wouldn't waste my time with morning glory again.
If you ate the seeds, that is why. Generally speaking, they are treated (and they make a lot of people nauseous naturally without the coating).


Well-Known Member
skip the morning glories imo and go for the HBWR. It's harder to fuck up.

I'd say, scrape and eat 6 seeds, smoke a bowl of your finest, and off you go.

On repeat visits you might become more aware/annoyed by the side effects, then you'll have extract. I've found alcohol extractions to work pretty well.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
skip the morning glories imo and go for the HBWR. It's harder to fuck up.

I'd say, scrape and eat 6 seeds, smoke a bowl of your finest, and off you go.

On repeat visits you might become more aware/annoyed by the side effects, then you'll have extract. I've found alcohol extractions to work pretty well.
Yeah, HWBR is probably better.. I don't think you can fuck that up. lol.

as you are

Active Member
Alright there is a clear difference between acid and shrooms.

Personally i feel that acid is more of a clear trip, while shrooms remain a bit more on the hazzy side.

I prefer acid, more for your buck as a few of you have said.

And this here...
I understand that 1 gram of LSD would be retarded. But please, take it in context. 1g shrooms vs 1g LSD.

One tab? It's hard to say how much 1 tab has on it, where as 2g's of shrooms is garunteed to fuck you up.

1 tab of LSD is only like 50 micrograms (in my area). Granted, a 150ug tab would be more strong than shrooms (3 tabs in my area).
Alright with shrooms it is not nessesarily cut and dry, its safer if they are hyrdoponic, but say your picking them wild, you cannot distinquish the potency of one between another, because of different conditions each shroom grew through.

Hyrdroponics are more controlled, they are less likely to dramatically differ in potency, but it's still possible. On the other hand with acid, if your the one putting the acid onto the tab yes you can tell how much is on there. Plus there is an average dosage for a hit.

In my opinion acid is more controlled, more accurate, and more effective for a good time...

Not to say i dont like some shrooms, but acid takes the cake...


Active Member
2 hits lsd of whats around here is stronger than an 1/8 of blue caps..just caps..

not to say the shrooms werent extremely intense, but the acid was indescribable

if you disagree, you probably arent trying to trip the lsd. It takes concentration to keep it going

as you are

Active Member
Good point, acid not only has it's physical effects, but you also need to allow it to work... to let your mind just run with it, and that can be difficult for alot of people....

not necessarily concentration, more faith in the trip...


Well-Known Member
debating strength and cost effectiveness is one thing, but I think the only intrinsic difference is that organic 'drugs' will have an array of actives that work in concert with each other. this can work and certainly feel different. but we find it useful to pick and choose via our extractions, sometimes distilled down to a single molecule, and then modified to something like lsd. really, its about your brain and psyche what is most potent.


Well-Known Member
lsd is highly unattainable. There's only one lab in the world that can make it. If you say you've taken lsd what you should be saying is i've taken lsa.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
lsd is highly unattainable. There's only one lab in the world that can make it. If you say you've taken lsd what you should be saying is i've taken lsa.
HAHAHAHA You're an idiot.
It's estimated that 12+ illicit chemists in North America mass produce Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25. Personally I think there are far more. Blotter can not hold the required amount of substance for LSA. Do some homework before you post.

Would you like to tell me, does the Amide form of Lysergic Acid fluoresce under Ultraviolet Radiation?

P.S. there is a difference between a door breathing (LSA) and the door catching on fire and exploding (LSD). lol...