More plants?


My buddy was telling me my doctor can write I'm able to have more then six plants. Up to 99 anyone hear about this?


Well-Known Member
State law says 3 in veg, 3 in flowering. anything outside this would require an affirmative defense to prove you need the higher plant count. the higher plant counts are meant for those that need edibles and cannot smoke - HOWEVER .... if you get caught, YOU are the one that will stand (or sit) in court to PROVE you do not smoke and need a higher plant count to make edibles. doing this will require $$ to fight, do you want to temp it? if you are clearly a MMJ patient (wheelchair bound, MS, cancer ... something very evident) that needs it, then don't worry. if you are 'barely legal' with your redcard as it is, do not tempt fate ..... keep it legal and within your means. besides, even with 3 a person should have NO issues with taking care of themselves, 1 plant harvested per month could easily yield 1/4lb done correctly in a small space ... more then enough for almost any user (even I only go through 2oz/month, and i'm a HEAVY medicator).


Well-Known Member
I've got an edibles recommendation but don't plan on doing over my 3 and 3 .my paperwork says 24 plants, I dunno how much product.