More lights the better right ????


Active Member
OK so i wanna get max yield through out my whole grow. i have two 1000w hps lights but only one will be in the veg room i was thinking about getting a couple T5 lights to lay on there back on the ground to shine light under the foilage and the whole room will be lined with maylar would the lights on the ground make a difference on max growth or is it a waste of time and money ???


Active Member
not necessarily but it wouldnt hurt to try, just watch the temp. and make sure it doesnt get too toasty for the plant.



Active Member
since it is the T5 it shouldnt get that hot at all. And ya thats my plan for my next grow, i am going to have 16 bulbs on top and 8 bulbs on each side of my grow box. Since they are all going to be CFLS they wont penetrate the lower growth as good as your hps so the ones on the side will help imo. For your situation, having 2 1000w hps lights, i wouldnt think you would need the T5 bulbs, but like you said the more light the better so why the fuck not?


Active Member
since it is the T5 it shouldnt get that hot at all. And ya thats my plan for my next grow, i am going to have 16 bulbs on top and 8 bulbs on each side of my grow box. Since they are all going to be CFLS they wont penetrate the lower growth as good as your hps so the ones on the side will help imo. For your situation, having 2 1000w hps lights, i wouldnt think you would need the T5 bulbs, but like you said the more light the better so why the fuck not?
from reading on indoor growing they said most of your yeild is up on top because the bottom dont get enough light so u have to keep them short and stocky so i was looking around on all these web pages and home depot has these 100W Securitey lights in HPS and MH types there $69 and they come inclosed with ballast and reflectors with a tempered glass cover i was thinkin about getting a handful of each and mounting those low on the wall so those could be supplement lights for the bottom of the plant and since heat is the issue im gonna add duct work to the hosing using a 3 in duct hose ill just take the hosing apart and hole saw a 3in hole on both sides of the housing and braze two fittings on each end and use a CPU fan to flow the air since its not a real high wattage light it wont need to big of a fan and it seems pulling air through the duct is better them pushing air becuase if there is any hole in the duct when it pulls it will suck through that hole not forcing air out of the duct and putting that heat exchanged air right back in the room.


Well-Known Member
beleive i've picked up some of these lights ur talking about... im guessing its a metal housing and not easy to drill/though and ventilate. i've also considered supplemental lighting for side growth... but it starts to approach "vertical lighting" so the question might become... maybe a person could hang some of these 100w hps/mh bulbs vertically and get more bang for the buck rather than just illuminating a couple plants per. you might be illuminating the lower brances of several plants better.

would love to hear someone elses opinion on whether or not supplemental lighting for lower branches is cost effective or worthwhile...


Well-Known Member
OK so i wanna get max yield through out my whole grow. i have two 1000w hps lights but only one will be in the veg room i was thinking about getting a couple T5 lights to lay on there back on the ground to shine light under the foilage and the whole room will be lined with maylar would the lights on the ground make a difference on max growth or is it a waste of time and money ???
"i was thinking about getting a couple T5 lights to lay on there back on the ground to shine light under the foilage"

The "underside" of the leaves are much less efficient at absorbing light. In my experience, some of the leaves will turn "upside down" (phototropism) in an effort to recieve the light - thereby wasting a lot of growth energy.

IMHO you would be better off to use any T-5's as "side lighting", at around 1/2 the height of the canopy.

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
"i was thinking about getting a couple T5 lights to lay on there back on the ground to shine light under the foilage"

The "underside" of the leaves are much less efficient at absorbing light. In my experience, some of the leaves will turn "upside down" (phototropism) in an effort to recieve the light - thereby wasting a lot of growth energy.

IMHO you would be better off to use any T-5's as "side lighting", at around 1/2 the height of the canopy.
Yep...what he said

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
better yet buy a 600w mh for veg and put both 1kws in flower.... the 8 bulb 4' T5s are a few hundred dollars at the hydro shop and they are 400w each and won't give you much more weight if you are already flowering with a 1kw......not worth it imho--you could veg with them but I have my opinion in that regard as well.....


Well-Known Member
"i was thinking about getting a couple T5 lights to lay on there back on the ground to shine light under the foilage"

The "underside" of the leaves are much less efficient at absorbing light. In my experience, some of the leaves will turn "upside down" (phototropism) in an effort to recieve the light - thereby wasting a lot of growth energy.

IMHO you would be better off to use any T-5's as "side lighting", at around 1/2 the height of the canopy.
^^^ This.... By adding side lighting, your lower flowers will mature faster along with the colas.


Active Member
Right and the most efficient producers of lumens per watt are HID lights.....
Im gonna use all HPS and MH lights which are all ballast lights my question is would it benefit to put light under the foliage to help more light get to the lower leaves to max your yeild ????


Well-Known Member
every light helps, just dont put it at the bottom of the plant shining on the underside of the leaves... you can put it on the sides of the canopy and it will light up the underside from a better angle though... and that wont make the leaves turn upside down.