Moral of the story: Weed isn't for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Last night, me and a few friends got together to smoke and all was well until I gave this guy who had never smoked before a geeb. After the usual bout of coughing, he came back into the room stoned out of his mind.

I'll skip the other details, but eventually he was non-responsive in my friends bed so we just put him on his side and monitored him. Eventually he sat up, stuck his tongue out, and started drooling all over himself and playing with his tongue with his hands while still not talking or listening to any of us.

We got him to lay down, then left the room to grab some other stuff. We were gone about 20 seconds and when we came back into the room there was vomit all over the bed and he was just sitting in the middle of it chomping his teeth and moving his arms all around his head.

We tried to move him into the bathroom which apparently snapped him out of it and he was able to look at us, talk to us, and tell us our names. Thinking it was over, we just had him chill in my friend's bathtub where he threw up all over himself. It was not over.

He proceeded to go unresponsive again and stood up out of my friend's tub. We tried to tell him to sit back down, but he wouldn't even look at us. He then started to walk back into the bedroom with vomit all over him and we had to stop him. Another thing about this guy is that he works out almost every day so he is JACKED. He started to try and push through us like his life depended on getting back into the bedroom. With the help of our massive linebacker friend, it took 3 of us to get him back into the bathroom.

Now idk wtf he had against this bathroom, but he was not having it. He started throwing himself against the door to get it open which thankfully didn't work. After it went quiet, my friend opened the bathroom door to check on him, but this gave my friend enough time to get his hands on the door and after that, it was over.

He initially tried to fight through all of us and get into the bedroom again, but after that didn't work, he was able to make it downstairs. While downstairs, he threw up again, which actually kinda snapped him out of it for a few mins and allowed us to get him back upstairs but he was still not talking. After we got him upstairs, he went crazy again and we had to hold him down on the ground, which he broke out of and tried to go downstairs again by attempting to JUMP OFF my friend's second story balcony.

We were just barely able to catch him but he tried to jump head first, and the fall almost definitely would have killed if not injured him. While trying to wrestle our friend to the floor, he let out this loud af primal roar from fucking deep within his soul and apparently just gave up. All four of us were holding him down when he started to try and bite wires which thankfully we were able to get away from him, but he still threw up again.

Fortunately that was it for the night. We held him down for another 10 mins then eventually got off him and he just laid there. We were all too scared to go to sleep in case he had another episode so we just sat and watched him. At one point he stood up, so we all got up but instead of holding him down we were able to guide him to a corner where we were able to calm him down and get him to go to sleep.

After about an hour he woke up, asked for water and a blanket, and mumbled something about not being in control. We all stayed up to watch him but there were no further incidents. Anytime he so much as moved we got scared. When he woke up the next morning, he said he couldn't remember anything from when he was freaking out. According to him, the last thing he remembers is looking down at himself in my friends tub and seeing vomit all over himself.

Sorry if the story is confusing or doesn't make sense at some parts, I'm not the best writer but I still felt like I had to share this story because while I've seen a lot of bad trips, this was on a whole other level. The man I saw last night was not my friend. He was acting like a wild animal mixed with literal mental retardation. It was like he was on something harder than weed but there is no way it was laced bc we all smoked it.

Have you guys seen anything like this? My theory is that he has some kind of underlying mental issue and the weed just brought it out. Last night was one of the scariest nights of my life and I almost called 911 multiple times. If our linebacker friend hadn't been there we all would have been laid the fuck out by this guy.

Moral of the story: Weed isn't for everyone.

Last night, me and a few friends got together to smoke and all was well until I gave this guy who had never smoked before a geeb. After the usual bout of coughing, he came back into the room stoned out of his mind.

I'll skip the other details, but eventually he was non-responsive in my friends bed so we just put him on his side and monitored him. Eventually he sat up, stuck his tongue out, and started drooling all over himself and playing with his tongue with his hands while still not talking or listening to any of us.

We got him to lay down, then left the room to grab some other stuff. We were gone about 20 seconds and when we came back into the room there was vomit all over the bed and he was just sitting in the middle of it chomping his teeth and moving his arms all around his head.

We tried to move him into the bathroom which apparently snapped him out of it and he was able to look at us, talk to us, and tell us our names. Thinking it was over, we just had him chill in my friend's bathtub where he threw up all over himself. It was not over.

He proceeded to go unresponsive again and stood up out of my friend's tub. We tried to tell him to sit back down, but he wouldn't even look at us. He then started to walk back into the bedroom with vomit all over him and we had to stop him. Another thing about this guy is that he works out almost every day so he is JACKED. He started to try and push through us like his life depended on getting back into the bedroom. With the help of our massive linebacker friend, it took 3 of us to get him back into the bathroom.

Now idk wtf he had against this bathroom, but he was not having it. He started throwing himself against the door to get it open which thankfully didn't work. After it went quiet, my friend opened the bathroom door to check on him, but this gave my friend enough time to get his hands on the door and after that, it was over.

He initially tried to fight through all of us and get into the bedroom again, but after that didn't work, he was able to make it downstairs. While downstairs, he threw up again, which actually kinda snapped him out of it for a few mins and allowed us to get him back upstairs but he was still not talking. After we got him upstairs, he went crazy again and we had to hold him down on the ground, which he broke out of and tried to go downstairs again by attempting to JUMP OFF my friend's second story balcony.

We were just barely able to catch him but he tried to jump head first, and the fall almost definitely would have killed if not injured him. While trying to wrestle our friend to the floor, he let out this loud af primal roar from fucking deep within his soul and apparently just gave up. All four of us were holding him down when he started to try and bite wires which thankfully we were able to get away from him, but he still threw up again.

Fortunately that was it for the night. We held him down for another 10 mins then eventually got off him and he just laid there. We were all too scared to go to sleep in case he had another episode so we just sat and watched him. At one point he stood up, so we all got up but instead of holding him down we were able to guide him to a corner where we were able to calm him down and get him to go to sleep.

After about an hour he woke up, asked for water and a blanket, and mumbled something about not being in control. We all stayed up to watch him but there were no further incidents. Anytime he so much as moved we got scared. When he woke up the next morning, he said he couldn't remember anything from when he was freaking out. According to him, the last thing he remembers is looking down at himself in my friends tub and seeing vomit all over himself.

Sorry if the story is confusing or doesn't make sense at some parts, I'm not the best writer but I still felt like I had to share this story because while I've seen a lot of bad trips, this was on a whole other level. The man I saw last night was not my friend. He was acting like a wild animal mixed with literal mental retardation. It was like he was on something harder than weed but there is no way it was laced bc we all smoked it.

Have you guys seen anything like this? My theory is that he has some kind of underlying mental issue and the weed just brought it out. Last night was one of the scariest nights of my life and I almost called 911 multiple times. If our linebacker friend hadn't been there we all would have been laid the fuck out by this guy.

Moral of the story: Weed isn't for everyone.

I've never seen anything like that without alchohol being a part of it to. What I have seen which is scary people smoking and having their heart take off. Most people know it's something that will go away and when your high as fuck you can feel your heart very intensely. Some people will literally go bat shit crazy and seriously believe their heart is going to explode. It's very scary to see people react to pot negatively. I've had people hyperventilate and pass out on me....others go into serious panic attacks which can be a scary situation when their heart is already sped up from the high. I learned not to introduce people to pot lol ....glad your friend is ok

I've even had friends go to the ER because of the heart race. I always keep a xanex around just in case. Ever since I take a swig of Benedryl before smoking I've been good though. I use to smoke with no issues at all. Nowadays I have to be careful because the heart race hits sometimes and it's no fun. I think it's because I don't smoke very often anymore since I have kids now. When I do smoke it's usually late at night with Benedryl and a chill pill close by just in case....
I had a buddy that would pass out and twitch after every gravity hit.
Too the point I finally stood up to call 911.

He snaps out of it, we are freaked out staring at him. We explained what happened, he got pissed and refused to believe us.

Every time he hit it. Same thing.
It was shitty homegrown to boot.

We had the gallon milk jug in the 5 gallon bucket model. Lol

Anyway fuck gravity bongs
I had a buddy that would pass out and twitch after every gravity hit.
Too the point I finally stood up to call 911.

He snaps out of it, we are freaked out staring at him. We explained what happened, he got pissed and refused to believe us.

Every time he hit it. Same thing.
It was shitty homegrown to boot.

We had the gallon milk jug in the 5 gallon bucket model. Lol

Anyway fuck gravity bongs
Sensitivity is real. What might take you a whole joint to achieve, even if it was your first time, takes half a hit to a hit for me. no one ever believes that i am sensitive to bud. lol. besides, sensitivity makes the person
Sensitivity is real. What might take you a whole joint to achieve, even if it was your first time, takes half a hit to a hit for me. no one ever believes that i am sensitive to bud. lol. besides, sensitivity makes the person
we can all be the same and dig in, or we can all dig in and be different