Moonrocks with honey ?


New Member
Hi all ,

First of all , i'm new to this forum and didnt really have an idea where i should ask this question. Since Moonrocks are pretty strong i figured the "concentrates and extracts guys" might have the answer im looking for.

I've always wanted to try Moonrocks , but since i live in a place where weed is still illegal (0 tolerance policy) it can be hard to get your hands on them ( also , they are expensive as hell here ). So i thought about making a few on my own , but i dont have any wax to get the kieff to stick to the buds. And you probably guessed it , I also cant get my hands on some wax because you just dont see it here.

Now , my question is , would honey be a succesfull replacement for wax ? Anyone that might have tried this before ?


Well-Known Member
I don't suggest smoking honey/sugar..

Maybe look into rosin since you can get bud. You can make your own oil in moment's to make the moon rock.