Moon Phase Planting - does it make a difference indoors?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Long Version of the question:

I have read a bunch on planting by the phases of the moon. Not every site that advocates it offer explanations as to why one phase is better (for germing or harvesting, for instance) than another.

When explanations are offered, they usually seem to have to do with factors like ground water, etc, that would not affect the indoor gardener (as much), unless the seed/seedling can sense the moon phase and "knows" when to put it's energy into the right thing (making roots, for instance) by that sense, and then does so even if the ground water (for instance) isn't acting like it would if the plant were outside.

Short Version:

Does planting by phases of the moon affect indoor gardeners, or only outdoor?

Anyone with direct info or experience on the subject?

