Monsanto, Bayer and the Push for Corporate Cannabis


Well-Known Member
California's "Adult Use of Marijuana Act" (AUMA) is a voter initiative characterized as legalizing marijuana use. But critics warn that it will actually make access more difficult and expensive, squeeze home growers and small farmers out of the market, heighten criminal sanctions for violations, and open the door to patented, genetically modified (GMO) versions that must be purchased year after year.

The health benefits of cannabis are now well established. As I analyzed previously, cannabis is a cheap, natural alternative effective for a broad range of conditions, and the non-psychoactive form known as hemp has thousands of industrial uses. At one time, cannabis was one of the world's most important crops. There have been no recorded deaths from cannabis overdose in the US, compared to about 30,000 deaths annually from alcohol abuse (not counting auto accidents), and 100,000 deaths annually from prescription drugs taken as directed. Yet cannabis remains a Schedule I controlled substance ("a deadly dangerous drug with no medical use and high potential for abuse"), illegal to be sold or grown in the US.
Preach this loud, long, and strong, brother.

We squabble amongst ourselves while these corp. poison the land so ONLY their crops will grow and then they own our food.
Now they want the homeopathic cure for many ailments that they've tried and failed to control w/ synthetic pharms.

I think this is deserving of the Revolution you wish for as it ain't about skin, ain't about nationality, ain't about religion, it's about FOOD.
They can try but many people just like me do a little pollen chucking. Let alone the fuck knows how many breeders selling seeds.

But they will be a problem especially when it comes to schedule 2 only pharmaceutical companies will be given a license to grow and sell in pill form probably even vaporizer cartridges right at the local pharmacy and with Obama Care it won't be worth it to pay for buds.
Glyphosate is not a kind thing to anything other than engineered seed stock from, or licensed from, Monsanto.
Johnny Appleseed pollen chucking ain't gonna cut it for growing outside that is exposed as I've seen 1st hand that herbicide's effects on my dope, trees, raspberries. apricots, etc. and I can provide pics.
If law makes "legal" weed a pain in the ass the blackmarket will provide as it always has and as most dope smokers have lived with since I've been alive.
This is why I'm for decriminaliztion rather than legalization.
I mean, do you question the legal status of rhubarb or tomatoes?
California's "Adult Use of Marijuana Act" (AUMA) is a voter initiative characterized as legalizing marijuana use. But critics warn that it will actually make access more difficult and expensive, squeeze home growers and small farmers out of the market, heighten criminal sanctions for violations, and open the door to patented, genetically modified (GMO) versions that must be purchased year after year.

The health benefits of cannabis are now well established. As I analyzed previously, cannabis is a cheap, natural alternative effective for a broad range of conditions, and the non-psychoactive form known as hemp has thousands of industrial uses. At one time, cannabis was one of the world's most important crops. There have been no recorded deaths from cannabis overdose in the US, compared to about 30,000 deaths annually from alcohol abuse (not counting auto accidents), and 100,000 deaths annually from prescription drugs taken as directed. Yet cannabis remains a Schedule I controlled substance ("a deadly dangerous drug with no medical use and high potential for abuse"), illegal to be sold or grown in the US.
What 'critics' warn that recreational legalization will "make access more difficult and expensive, etc."?

I would love to see who these 'critics' are and what agenda they have. If you're against the legalization of recreational marijuana nationwide (like many powerful and well funded organizations are), it would seem like the obvious move to inject unfounded fear and anxiety into the voter base. Get voters to vote against their own best interest, where have I heard that before?

So can one of you please explain to me the logic in keeping marijuana illegal like how it is now v. voting to legalize it, then fighting against potential corporate monopolies after it's already legal?

If California votes to go legal, that is a HUGE step in the right direction no matter the small print (even though I personally think the small print is bullshit conspiracy theories without merit). This is a solid law that every voter against the drug war should support.