Molokai Frost

We didn’t find any keepers in the Molokai frost x bubba. Not saying they aren’t there just didn’t find any ourselves and thought the genetics kind of cancelled one another out. I think a x to something like gg4 would be stellar. Same type of flavor profile.
Rurumo, pm me for info so we don’t break any rules for this site
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We didn’t find any keepers in the Molokai frost x bubba. Not saying they aren’t there just didn’t find any ourselves and though the genetics kind of cancelled one another out. I think a x to something like gg4 would be stellar. Same type of flavor profile.
Rurumo, pm me for info so we don’t break any rules for this site
Interesting, never tried the gg4 but always curious. As for the other one yeah, most threw balls under stress but one that stood out was great. Will be keeping an eye out.