moldy weed


i put my weed that i just cut in a bag and hung it outside, i forgot about it over night and the next day it had water in it so i put it in a dif. bag and forgot about it again for like 4 days and its starting to mold. its only like a nickle so is it cool to smoke with out any bad side affects?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean "like a nickel"? A nickel bag, a nickel-sized spot of mold, etc...? Anyway,...I wouldn't recommend smoking it, unless you're a risk-taker. Although not very likely, you COULD end up with a serious lung infection, if you smoke it. Most of the mold spores will get burnt when you hit them with a lighter, but some will pass through, and into your lungs. The decision is your's, but, I wouldn't do it.


ha ya i ment like a nickel of weed, but yea my lungs are fine and i smoked it but it made me feel like i was going to puke. don't recommend smoking moldy weed.