
Is this mold?
I had problems with the plants as its my first,I am surprised they even made it this far, some of the leaves got burnt from the bulb from nutrient lock because of a whole ph problem they had 2 weeks back so the leaves look really bad on one of them but it was able to bounce back, they are all browning on the buds now though, is this mold? ph is in normal range & feeding is only once a week on a 10-30-20 solution & they are 2 months old. tbh if it is I wont be disappointed, I learned a lot of new & interesting things, it was some good experience :),oKkLxOa,XDKrO2v#0

I should also add that they are pollinated, I wanted seeds, I don't know if that effects how they look or not?
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You think its from the foil? I never thought of that, it makes sense D=
I just did a search on it and people are saying a lot of bad stuff about the foil, I am surprised I didn't catch that cuz I did tons of research on this.
As for mold you think we can rule that out? ill take foil burn over mold any day xD


Well-Known Member
It's not mold for sure.

This is how mold looks like.
I would say it's because of foil, but wait for others to comment.


Well-Known Member
When you burnt it with the bulb this caused major damage to the plant and i doubt it can recover. Next time 6" min from the cfl.