

Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I'm drying my first grow and I looked at em today on day 4 of drying. I noticed something that looked very light green/white and I kinda started to freak out thinking it might be mold. basically just chopped my plants in half and hung em up and had 2 fans blow on em for 4 days and I didn't think about spreading the buds out on the main cola. The outside is nice and dry and brakes apart pretty easy but the inside of em is still somewhat wet. Would this cause mold?? I can't tell if it's just a dry/dead/wet leaf or mold. Would it smell any different or something to confirm my thoughts?

Couldn't really take a good pic because they flash made everything else look white too


Well-Known Member
Aight cool. and thanks guys. I'll double check each bud tomorrow and the day after to make sure but that's a relief.

What does it look/smell like anyway? Is it a strong smell?


Well-Known Member
it does have a amonia (sp?) like smell. i found some early mold in a bud i harvested this w/e. i was trimming and dam thing broke open in my hand. it was light brownish white. i think youll know it when you see it.


Well-Known Member
I dont know guys.. it all looks molded and ruined to me .. Ill do ya a favor.. let me message you my PO box address.. send it to me... Ill give it a good run through.. and mail ya back whatever isnt molded.. :) All jokes aside.. thats just good frosty bud .. and if you did that on ur first time.. BE EXCITED. Just check it everyday.. especially once it goes into jars .. or however your curing it.. you will know mold when you see it.. loooks like a super thick spider web inside your buds. Look up some good threads on curing .. ull be happy you did ...

dirk d

Active Member
it took me 4 days longer to properly dry my white widow main cola. the colas need extra love or they will mold. you are trying to dry a big mass of buds all together so give it that extra time and stay on top of them. also if you see any mold on a bud put it in a different container and you can make bho with it. dont sell/smoke the buds with mold as it is very bad for your lungs.