molassis and hydro... no good?


Hi there, wazzup

A little while ago i used molassis in my soil grow.. wonderfulll.
Now Im on mapito, with a small tank, just for 2 d or 3 days. But when i add the molassis, after a day or so it starts bubbling and foaming a bit, even without stirring. Thick dirty coating on the wall of the tank where the water drained.

Mapito 12 liter, top dripper(5x light,1x dark till small runoff).
G.H.E. Flora serie, BM(Trichoderma harzianum) in medium.
Molassis in with the nutes.

I was guessing the tank starts getting alive a bit and maybe verments.... but actually I HAVE NO CLUE...

so... anybody been here and found some answeres?
Molassis is great i would like to keep using it.

( by the way... ItS Sour "sTinkY "Diesel)
try a hydro specific carbohydrate additive like Sweet. I don't know of any way to use molasses in a active hydroponic setup. I have seen the slimy foamy mess before and it's not pretty. Flush with fresh ph adjusted water, drain and then go back to your nute schedule. You may have to put a little effort into getting the slime off the resivoir.
Thanx Mr silverback,

happy i dont have a tube NFT system... that would have been some cleaning.

youre absolutely right. I started giving it to her in shots on top of the pot before watering, against all the rules maybe but i guess some sugars will stick and she'll be able to find them. Something like every other day (not the real schedual type).

Im heavy on the bottles right now, wanne see the extreems while i learn and search for a better future without any bottles

Thanks mate and good luck