

Active Member
hey guys, just had a quick question about flowering and molasses,

what is molasses used for in the floweing period, do i add molasses as well as the regular scheduled nutes or ? how can i utilize molasses for my flowering period? ive been hearing a lot about it.

Any help is appreciated


Active Member
ok so here's how it goes... you want to use black strap molasses UNSULFURED any kind really doesn't matter but grandma's is the most common as long as its unsulfered your good, after that you want to add about 1tbsp per gallon of water but remember your adding a natural organic nute so your npk ratio is about 3-1-5 so keep that in mind if you add nutes which you can if you would like a higher ratio, also be carefull of how much molasses you use due to the fact that rumor has it that it can promote mould (personally never had this prob) but have heard stories of it, as for the ratio of when to use it i stick to once a week and stop using it about 2 weeks before harvest and let the plant use up all the natural sugers and flush it out and shazam good a$$ budz hope this helped... peace