

Active Member
whats up with u guys usin molasses? what exactly does it do for the buds, cuz mine r nice but im open to new ideas to make them better


Well-Known Member
molasses is a complex carbohydrate that helps the plants root systems and benfits the mirco bacteria that lives there. it also fattens buds by a noticable amount. use it all throughout flowering


Well-Known Member
All you molassess people gotta let me know if I'm OK using raw coarse cane sugar?! I live in Italy so I can't find any of the molassa, expecially Grandma's brand so I been using the cane sugar, molasses is the by product of refined cane sugars and others so I figure the raw sfuff has even more nutients as they haven't been extracted, so far so good, plus it just dissolves in the water, no need to heat, needs no help dissolving, please comment :)


Active Member
correction! to post above.. im talking about indoor. with the sugar water thing
thank you lol. just puffed some nicely cured sour diesel buds